Leo x reader spider boy

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Your pov

You were watching finding Nemo with your best friends Percy and Piper. It was at the part when all the seagulls started to say MINE MINE MINE MINE! Percy yelled at the screen,"Fly, fly as fast as you can!" Thinking they can hear him.

You and Piper started to laugh and soon were rolling on the ground. Percy looked at you guys like we were crazy and said,"Why are you laughing? They almost died!"

"Percy we all know especially you that they make it out alive." You said. The horn for dinner blew so Percy paused the movie and we all headed towards the dinner pavilion.

I sat at my godly parent's table with the rest of my siblings and ate some food they were serving. As if it was timed, the mcshizzle bad boy surpreme walk into the dinning pavilion.

He sat at his table then I glanced away so he didn't think I was staring but that never works. He got up and walked over to my table, "Hey Y/N, couldn't handle this hotness?" He did jazz hands and made his head and hands catch fire which made you roll your eyes.

"No way mr. Mcshizzle. Can't I just look sound the dining hall?" You crosses your arms over your chest. Leo shrugs and looks around.

"Hey, what time is it?" Leo asks and you smirk.

"Time to get a new watch."

Leo looks at you. "Time for you to get a new joke."

"Time for you to get a new comeback." You finish him off. Leo fakes an arrow to the heart and stumbles back a few steps.

He dramatically lifts his hand to his forehead in distress, "Oh, how you wound me so, Y/n."

You heighten your voice and mimic the boy, "OH! How you wound me so, Leo~" the said not stopped and you watched his his face got a little red.

"I do not sound like that!"

"Yes, you do,"

"So I sound like I haven't his puberty yet? I'll have you know I am a grown up age of 17." Leo said as he took a seat next to you on the bench.

You mood as you take a bite of your food, "Mhmm, you look like it too."

"You won't be laughing when I have you in my arms and sitting on my-"

"LEO! There are children present!!!" You screech. You feel your face start to get red. This boy is too much for you to handle.

"Chair, I was going to say chair. Anyway, meet me by Zeus' fist at 5." Then he walked to his cabin table. and I sat there dumbfounded staring at my food. One of my siblings lean over the table.

"Hey, you going to eat that?" You snap out of your trance and pull your food away from the prying hands of your sibling. "Back off mate, my food."


You walk to Zeus' fist in a green sweatshirt and jeans with green converse and you see... Nope all you see is the rock and trees. You start to panic, what if Leo just abandoned you and pranked you. The wind whistles through the trees.

A branch crack above you and you look up to see Leo crouching on a branch with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Good evening Y/N." Leo said that in a smooth voice that almost no one could resist.

You replied, "Same to you mr. Mcshizzle," you put your hands on your hips, "Are you gonna get down fire boy?"

"Nah but if you call me spider man I might get down."

"How about spider boy?"

"Fine close enough but there is a catch." Leo swings around until he is hanging upside down off of the branch.

"What's the catch?"

(Nah, I would leave you hanging,)

"You have to give me a Spider-Man kiss." You snorted and covered your mouth.

"You can't be serious." You walked closer to Leo's face. "C'mon babe~ for me?" Leo pleaded with puppy eyes. You rolled your eyes and held his face with your hands.

You leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Hey he didn't say where you're just twisting the command. Leo looked upset and said in his whining voice,"I didn't say a kiss on the cheek."

"But you didn't say a kiss on the lips either."

"Touché Y/N."

"Come here you butt." You hold his face and gently kiss his lips with your own. It felt weirder than normal, your used to kissing your boyfriend right side-up.

You parted and Leo smiled, "Damn, I'm glad your my girlfriend." With that he came down and gave you the flowers and we went on a walk through the forest.

A/n: Wow that took longer than it needed to well thanks for reading have a fabulous day!

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