Percy x reader part 2

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Percy pov

Y/n came over today to ask if her siblings came over... Of course they came over! They gave me a suit coat like I asked them to and then delivered the dress I got for her! How did I manage to keep my composure through that. But did I mention how breathtaking she looked! Even if she just wore her dress with her hair in a messy bun and wearing converse, she looked like a snack.

Now I'm putting on my tux getting ready for the dance. I slipped on the tie that I needed Jason to help me figure out how to tie it. It matched her dress perfectly.

Her siblings set me up with her, well technically, I set us both up and used them as a cover. Asking your crush out is harder than you think.

I've known Y/n for a while now, she is just of a trouble maker as I am. I met her at a school we both got expelled from and then we were enrolled in the same school after that. I think I'll all ask her tonight. Hopefully tonight she will accept my offer to be my girlfriend.

Y/N pov

You got your shoes and necklace on as you saw Jason and Piper walk to the big house arm in arm. You weren't going to lie, you wished you could do that with someone. You might, but you just don't know who.

You look in the mirror. You were way more fancily dressed than usual. You said goodbye to your siblings as you headed out the door towards the temporary tent Chiron set up next to the Big house.

You glanced over the the Poseidon cabin, wishing the boy that lived inside it would come out and take your arm and whisk you off to the dance. You spotted more couples making their way to the tent as you trekked on. As you passed the forest, a low growl emitted from the dark woods.

You turned your head and saw two beady red eyes. The snarling started as the monster crept into the light of the moon. It's large body standing on four legs and it's black fur standing straight up on it's back. A hellhound.

A/n: honestly sixth grade me. Could you not write any longer? You have me nothing to work with past me. *le sigh*

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