Pick-up lines

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A/n- what up! New chapter! Yay! And I checked the views on the story wow... That's a lot since I did an actual chapter

Valentine's Day.... Blah! Your past boyfriend broke up with you exactly a year ago... Now your your beating up a dummy with his picture on it. You know to fuel your anger.

Leo came in the arena shocked by your anger towards the dummy. He wanted to make this holiday special for Y/N. But everyone else had the same idea too...

You were still single as a Pringle but not ready to mingle.

You just did a punching combo on the dummy and you were standing in front of the dummy with your stupid ex's picture on it.

Leo walked behind Y/N and said,"Is it hot in here or is it you?"
"Oh... Um... Hi Leo...", you said as you turned around

"Hey Y/N, we need you!" The stolls said from the entryway
"Sorry Leo see you later."

I walk out and the stolls stand across from me."So... What did you guys need?"
"Hey Y/N, are you sure you aren't related to Hermes?", Connor started."Because you just stoll our hearts.", Travis finished.

"Ok some weird shiz is going on and I'm gonna just roll with it.", I said walking back to my cabin.

On you way back to your cabin Percy came up and said," Hi I'm Percy Jackson!"
"GODS HELP ME!", you yelled and ran the rest of the way to your cabin and closed the door and plopped on your bed and said," What am I doing?" There was a knock on the door and you said," Just a second!"

You get up and answer the door and Will is standing is standing there."Hey Y/N, if the sun wasn't here, you would be the hottest thing on earth.", Will said with a smirk at the end. (I know will and nico are gay but some people still like them so...)

"Sorry Will but I am not in the mood right now." I close the door an sit by the window,open the window, and I feel a gust of wind. And before I knew what was happening I was being lifted in the sky by a blonde haired man holding me by the waist. I freak out and cling on to Jason's neck we slow down and Jason looks at me and says,"When I'm around you, sparks fly." I reply with a little bit of stuttering,"J-Jason, please p-put me back on the ground now." He hovers back gown and I say,"Sorry Jason I just have a lot on my mind right now. Why is literally every single guy trying to hit on me?

An idea struck me like a bullet and I head out into the woods... To be bothered by no one. You were sitting in a small clearing with a few logs in the ground. You were drawing in the dirt when a voice said behind you slightly scaring you,"Hey Y/N" you turn around to see Nico walking towards you and sit next to you. "You know your drop dead gorgeous right.", Nico said to you with a smirk following his statement. You yell,"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." 

Everything goes black

You sit up in your bed with sweat dripping down your face you look around to see your sibling(s) sleeping still you look at your click an see it is 3:47 huh... Must of  just been a nightmare. You recalled it was the 14th of February today so you made a mental plan to lock all the windows and doors if anything goes wrong today. And with that, you went back to sleep.

A/n And you thought I was done...
636 words

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