The two step ( Leo x reader)

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A/n: It's been a while yeah? And I have figured myself out and now in a better position. Yay! Now I haven't read the books in a long time, so if I get a personality trait wrong, I apologize for my rusty knowledge.

"Now we are going to learn another dance from down south. The two step." The whole class groaned and some knew their fate. The gym teacher clapped her hands together and looked around the room at the aray of teenagers.
She pointed to two black lines at each side of the gym. "Boys go on the left, girls on the right." All the students hesitantly lined up onto the lines, except for you. You were one of the only brave girls to just stand on the line and not make a huge deal of it.
The other girls were struggling with the fact that they will have to hold a guy's hand and dance for 30 minutes.
You looked across the gym to see the gym teacher teaching the boys their steps for the dance. Some stumbled over themselves but there was one boy who did absolutely wonderful, Leo Valdez.
As soon as they started to practice their part, every girl scrambled to the front of the line where you were currently to get a chance to dance with the man himself. You chuckled and rolled your eyes at the group of eager girls arguing in front of you.
You admired the sight until a loud whistle was heard in front of them. The group of girls stopped and looked at their teacher.
"Girls, get on the line to learn the dance, I am choosing the partners today." The group groaned and hugged as they went on the line once more.
"The steps are extremely easy, just take your right foot and step back, same with your left after, and then you step back with your right again, then repeat." She demonstrated the steps and made you guys do them as well.
"Now to pair you guys. Piper go with Jason, Annabeth with Percy, Y/n with Leo-" Your face went slack and you looked across the gym to your new partner.
Leo looked at you with a sly smile and walked over to you with a hop in his step. He smiled and threw an arm over your shoulder. "So how is my lovely girlfriend this morning?"
"Worse now that I'm partnered with you"
Leo gasped and dramatically put his hand to his head as if he was fainting. You chuckled and dragged his hand over to an empty spot in the circle you made.
"Your lucky the teacher knows we're dating, or else you would have to suffer watching me dance with another girl."
You laughed and put your hand on his shoulder.
"And your lucky that I am in your class, or else who is going to protect you from over-eager girls?"
This time Leo laughed and takes his hand with yours. And placed his hand on your waist.
"Now I want you all to practice by yourself for a bit before I turn on the music. And be mature please, I don't want to deal with people claiming the other has cooties."
You laughed and you both started to dance. Leo looked at you and smiled "Wow, you really do know this dance."
"Did you doubt me?"
"Not at all sweat heart." Leo kissed your forehead as you both started to sway to the music doing the steps you were told to. Only a couple times did you ever mess up a step, but luckily Leo was very helpful and guided you through the dance. The music stoped but you and Leo didn't let go.
You both danced for a minute or two with your head on his shoulder and his head leaned on yours.
You and Leo both straightened yourselves and separated. The gym teacher held the whistle near her mouth and smirked. "Y'all lovebirds done over there? We were about to start learning the electric slide." Your face went red and you hid behind Leo who had a bit of red on his face as well.
In the end you both danced together during the one week dance unit.

A/N: Short, but I missed doing this. This is actually based on a somewhat real story. There is this duo who are like besties in my gym class but they never dated... in fact the girl has a boyfriend. So when we started to learn the two step, they just danced with enthusiasm the whole way through.

Anyway, glad I could be back. I'm not going to promise another one, but there is a possibility.

Bye, guys!

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