Stop being all salty... We don't need that ingredient. (Nico x reader)

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A/n I have come back from the dead... I don't know how much you guys like one direction but I'm working on a little something... Anyway onto the story. P.s. I am not really fond of Nico so sorry if this sucks!

Y/n pov

'You know... My boyfriend has been busy lately like helping his dad and doing work in the underworld. I got it!' I bolted up from my bunk in the G/P cabin and raced over to the Hades cabin (or if your Hades child I won't judge). I stood in front of the cabin door. 'Well it's a small chance he will be in here' I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

From the other side I heard a muffled 'coming' and the stomping of feet was obvious to me that he was home. The door opened and Nico stood in all of his early morning of 2:30 in the afternoon. "Oh hi Y/n, you know I love you and all but can you not wake me up so early?" Nico said in his raspy morning voice. "Oh! Yeah sorry about that, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah I will just give me a minute to get dressed. Umm do you know where we are hanging out?"

"Yeah in the kitchen!"

"Y/N you know I'm a bad cook right?"

"So what? I'm there to help."

"Fine. Just wait here for a minute." Nico gave in and closed the door. I stood by the door not really knowing what to do while I wait, so I started to pick at my nails. Soon the door creaked open and a fully clothed Nico stood there waiting for my lead. "Come on let's go!" I exclaim and grab his hand and intertwine it with mine. We walked to the kitchen and I already knew what we were young to make.

"How is your baking skills Nico?" I ask taking out a couple of bowls from a cabinet. "It's like crap." He said then tried to stifle a yawn. I giggle at his reply then take out the flour and set it down. "Now can you stop being salty for a moment and get the sugar?" I ask then turn around to get the eggs out of the fridge. "Are seriously making me fetch my enemy the sugar colony?" He smarts back and I smirk "yes of course that's what I am saying for you to get." I replied back and put my hands on my hips. Nico copied my actions and snapped his fingers in a 'z' formation. "Honey you did not just do that." He tried to to a sassy tone. "Oh yes I did!" I ran to the cuboard he was near and pulled out the sugar.

"May the power of sugar compel you!" I joke as I throw pinches of salt at him. He moves to another cabinet and pulls out the salt. "You will never take me alive!" He joked and started to do the salt bae motion getting closer to me.

And that epidemic soon ended when Chiron came in and asked on what the noise was about. Lost story short we never got to baking... But it was totally worth it getting dish duty as a punishment for a week. As long as I have him and he has me, no one can get in between us and our memeness

Before you all start going HOLD UP! That was a really short chapter, well my friends school testing is a Baka and I absolutely hate it. So this is kinda of a chapter to fill you on where I have been. Sorry for the cringe writing in this one though. Like I said I'm not the best writing oneshots with character I don't know as well. Whelp I will see you guys later... Peace out!

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