Bad luck(Will x reader)

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Y/n pov.

Whelp... Today was terrible. First the archery range incident where I almost killed a kid. Next was almost choking on my lunch. Now it was almost drowning in the lake... Yep being a child Tyche deffintely has its down sides. I have been cursed with bad luck these past couple of months and they where bearable until today. Luckily I'm not thrown out of the camp, Chiron has enough pitty to understand that I have no control on these kind of things. 

So here I am getting ready for capture the flag and probably going to burn the whole forest down somehow. I walked over to the meeting area careful to keep my space. All of my other siblings have good luck so our cabin is fought over most times because of our mothers power. 

Our cabin's counselor decided for us to join the blue team who has us, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, and Hades. Our counselor looked to me and said "Y/n I know you are on your bad luck streak right now but we need you to watch the left side woods area on defense. Madelyn here is going to join you. Just in case, is that alright?" I nodded and looked at the daughter of Hermes. 

She smiled at me because we are good friends well I should say best friends. She has stayed by my side through all of this bad luck, but she wasn't the only one. Will Solace was there too, he was trying to help me at the range to practice shooting a bow but we know how that went. He also was the one who I was swimming with and saved me when I was drowning. And of course you guessed it he also did that one maneuver that you do when some one is choking and yes he did ask if I was choking. He is just to adorable- wait what did I just think? 

No I don't like will do I? I mean his sandy blonde hair and clear blue eyes... Fine I'm somewhat convinced now but not all the way yet. Me and Madelyn headed out to our post and sited until the horn to start blows. While we waited we were just messing around with the trees around us until Madelyn asked me a question "So who do ya like?" I looked at her and gave a 'what the heck' look and the horn sounded. "I'll ask later." She smirked and climbed a tree. 

I climbed a different tree and waited for attackers to come. It was only a few minutes before we heard some rustling in the bushes. I grabbed my W/p (weapon) and stealthily went down the tree. I was about five feet from the bush when an arrow caught my left shoulder. I screamed and fell to the ground, slowly turning unconscious. "Oh my gods, I am so sorry Y/n I thought you were going to dodge it." My vision was blurry but I saw a person with sandy blonde hair come over. They picked me up and started sprinting but I didn't know where we were going because I blacked out.


Will's pov.

WHY DID I DO THAT?! I knew Y/n was on her bad luck streak, but I honestly thought she would dodge my arrow. I continued running for the infirmary, I looked at Y/n and she was slowly closing her eyes. "Y/N STAY AWAKE!" Me yelling at her from like a foot away apparently doesn't wake her up. 

I ran into the infirmary and there was a few of my siblings already there helping other people with injuries. I looked around for an empty bed and I set her down. A few of my siblings rushed over and started to tend to the wound. I went to the sink to wash my hands to help with the procedure but they were all bloody. I looked at them and then turned on the water to wash it off. I put on a mask and gloves and rushed over to Y/n.

The arrow was so dangerously close to her heart that I started to scream inside my head. I started to grab the arrow to pull it out. I had to be supper careful to not make the wound worse then it already is. I slowly pulled it out and Y/n started to hyperventilate, so I sped up the process a bit. Managing to pull out the arrow I started to inspect the wound then clear it. 

It wasn't long before I finished sticking up the wound and then wrapping it up in bandaging. While I was in the middle of wrapping, her eyes shot wide open and tried to sit up. I had to push her back down so she wouldn't mess up the stitches in her shoulder. She looked at me then started to tear up and look away. I looked at her taking in all of her features. Her H/l H/c hair was absolutely stunning and I bet her E/c eyes would look even more memorizing if they weren't red and puffy.

 I said "Why are you crying Y/n?" She looked at me then looked away again,"I caused so much trouble these past couple of months and it just annoys everyone." She sniffles and looked back at me. "Well some people don't find you annoying, I actually find you to be fun to be around." I said and she looked at me like I was wearing a clown outfit out of no where. "Why are you helping me through this?" She asked. I looked into her eyes then continued to wrap her wound and mumbled "Because I love you." "I'm sorry could you repeat that a bit louder please? I didn't get the message." 

I pinned the end of the wrap down with a safety pin and turned her face twards me with her chin. I leaned down and whispered into her hear "Beacuse I love you." I felt her body lock up for a moment and I started to worry 'Of course she wouldn't like you back your the one who shot her in the shoulder' I backed away from her and turned around because I couldn't take this rejection. I felt a hand on my wrist and it pulled me weakly to them. 

I turned and Y/n was smiling with joy. She pulled me in and kissed me. I immeaditly kissed back and then we bothe broke away for air. "Love you too Will."  She hugged me and I hugged back being careful of her shoulder wound. "You are to stay in this bed for a couple of days until your shoulder heals. Doctors orders." I told her and I smirked and I felt her giggle at my comment. "And you where my first good luck here in a couple of months Solace." I smiled 

Well I could say Y/n's bad luck is finally over but wherever you go, there will always be an adventure, filled with good and bad luck. 

A/n long time no see amigos! Now that I'm done with this one shot. Is there one that you want to see on here? You can DM me or comment for a request if you'd like. I will most likely do a Frank one if I don't get any requests so stay cool my dudes!

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