Young volcanoes (jason) 2

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We reached Hawaii finally!!!!!
We got those flower necklaces around our necks and....

Y/N pov
We walked to the resort with a guide leading us to our room. We get to the top floor and we walk down the hallway decorated vines and flowers to give off a tropical look.

(Btw I have never been to Hawaii so don't complain if I get anything wrong, this is from my imagination)

We got to the room and our guide turned around and said,"Here are your keys," he handed us our keys,"And remember, don't jump around repeatedly. It will disturb the other guests. But also have fun!" He leaves and walks toward the elevator. Jason unlocked the door and we walked inside. It looked like an apartment honestly, if it wasn't decorated with exotic flowers and smelled like a zen garden, thank the gods I'm not allergic to plants. We scouted around and we found out it was a 1 bedroom apartment, how nice. "I will sleep on the couch." Jason said and before he turned around and walked to the living area I grabbed his arm and turned him around. "No, you sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the couch. You being one of the seven, you deserve it." You started to walk out but Jason hugged you from behind and jumped back on the bed with you in his arms. "Why don't we just share the bed?" Jason whispers in your ear and you two just cuddle the rest of the day. Soon you feel asleep and you woke up around 5:00 in the morning. Jason wasn't there an you sat up and jumped out of bed looking for Jason. I rushed down the hall when I heard the shower going. I exhaled and walked back to the bedroom and laid back down on the bed. You were laying there for a couple of minutes when the shower stopped and just for fun I pretended to sleep to see what Jason would do. I close my eyes and a minute later I hear footsteps coming in our room. I felt a part of the bed go down at the foot of the bed indicating that Jason was sitting down. I slightly opened one eye and saw that Jason had no shirt on. I it tried not to squeal and close my eyes again blushing. The diver went back up and I felt a kiss on my cheek and footsteps out the door. I sat up and stretched. I should get up before I actually fell asleep again. I got up and Jason was getting things out of the fridge. Eggs, milk, cheese- wait is he?... He is totally making you eggs, but not just regular kind of eggs. Your favorite is with melted cheese mixed the eggs. Just the thought of it made your mouth water.

(Sorry to those who are lactose intolerant)

You walked back in the bedroom and put on some cloths. You dug out your favorite outfit from your suitcase and went to the bathroom to put it on.

I walked out and headed to the kitchen. I looked around and Jason wasn't there, you felt strong arms go around your waist from the back. Jason put his head in the crook of your neck as you leaned back into his embrace.

"Hey beautiful" Jason sighed and held you closer. "Hey superman." You replied and relaxed a bit. "I made you some eggs with cheese, it was pretty weird to make because I never did before." You giggled and walked out of the embrace and got 2 plates out you put cheesy eggs on your plate and sat down. Jason followed your actions but sat on the other side of the table. "So what are we going to do today" you asked before you take a bite of the cheesy heaven. "Whatever you want I guess, we are here for a week." I nodded in agreement and pulled out my phone to look for things to do on the island. "There is a beach party tonight so maybe we can do that and before we can go orientate ourselves around this place." I suggested "Sounds good with me!" Jason smiled at me and continued eating. 

It was a comfortable silence while we were eating and I got done and went to wash my plate. I turned on the sink and started to fill it up to start washing. I put some dishwasher in there and made some bubbles. "Here let me help." Jason said and he got a towel to dry the plates and silverware. I washed the forces and one plate then I looked at Jason. He looked so focused on his work that he didn't notice my movement to put bubbles on his face until he felt my wet hand on his face he looked at my laughing face and realized he had bubbles all over his face. 

He smirked at me and scooped some bubbles on my face and it went into an all out bubble war. I throwing bubbles at him and visa versa. This will be an interesting vacation... 

~end of the Jason series~

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