Percy jackson x reader part 3

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Y/N pov

You heard a low growl from the woods to your left. A hell hound crept out into the open space and it's drool dropping from its toothy mouth. On instinct, you took a hairpin out of your hair and formed a sword. Hair fell in your face, but you didn't really care at the moment. What you cared about was your attire. You can't fight in high heels and a dress. You were wearing spandex, but still.

The hound growled more once your sword took form and jumped at you. You dodged by leaping to the side. These shows weren't going to cut it. You tried to take off your heels as fast as you could. The hound turned around and started to hound towards you again. Giving up on taking off your shoes. You get up and run towards the big house. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!"

The hellhound caught up to you and made an attempt to try and bit you. You zigzagged out of the way before it could do so. But zigzagging in heels was a bad idea, because you tripped. And there you lay. Staring up at a beast that would surely think you would be a delicious dinner. You closed your eyes and waited to be chomped.

But it never came.

You look up to see Percy fighting the hellhound with his sword 'Riptide'.

Percy pov

I was finishing up getting ready to go to the dance when I heard Y/N yelling for help. What is it now? I run outside with Riptide in my hand. Y/n is getting attacked by a hellhound.

I ran after her and the monster to the big house. hitting it while it's back was turned. The huge hound tried to bite her but she ran out of the way in time. And then she tripped, tripped. Gosh dang it, Y/n. Your one of the bast defensive campers here and you trip?!

I run faster to defend the girl on the ground. He hound stoops over her. It feels like my felt are running on air because I am moving so fast. "Aaaaaahhhhhhggggg!" I tell as I slash at the monster. The hellhound recoils and takes a few steps back.

I charge again and stab and slash, occasionally rolling away from it's attacks. It jumps at me and I upper cut with my sword, sending the monster into a pile of dust. I panted and I stood in my place. Y/n. I turn around and run to the girl sitting on the grass.

I crouch next to her and take her in my arms, hugging her close. "Y/n, are you okay?" I ask.

She hugs me closer and buried her face in my neck, "Yeah," I felt a tug of my tie and a chuckle, "You wouldn't happen to be the one my siblings set me up with, right?" I laughed in response.

I let go of her and pulled back so I could see her face. "Funny story, I was actually the one who set us up."


I nodded. Y/n starts to laugh and throw her arms around me. "I'm glad it was you." She said.

I scrunched my face, "What does that mean?"

She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes, they looked really pretty on the moonlight. Her eyes started getting closer and closer. Wait- she is kissing me. She's kissing me! I smile as I kiss her back. We break apart and she speaks first, "do you still want to go to the dance? My dress is torn and so is your suit."

I come up with a solution to both of our problems. "Why don't you come over to my cabin and we can watch some movies." I suggest.

Y/n smiles, "Sounds like a date."

I stand up and help her up as well. We both started walking to my cabin and I remember something I wanted to ask this girl next to me. "Hey, Y/n. Will you go out with me?"

"I thought my kiss already answered that question, you dimwit."

A/n: Done with editing this triplet of Percy stuff. As you probably noticed, I changed the storyline a little bit.

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