I ain't afraid of anything (Leo x reader)

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A/N I am back for the first time in forever!!! And I have been addicted to fnaf lately, so here we go!

Today you where bored out of your mind. Laying on your bunk in the (G/P) cabin You wondered what would happen if you scared your crush Leo... Oh I know, his face will be priceless. You rolled over so your head was looking under the bed and rummaged for your laptop. You took it out and pulled up fnaf sister location. You smirked with satisfaction and closed the laptop to go find Leo. You went to cabin 9 and knocked on the door. Leo's brother Nyssa opened the door and You opened my mouth about to speak but she cut me off "bunker nine" she said and I stared at her with my mouth open and quickly closed it before I caught any flies. "Thanks!" You said and sprinted to the forest. You reached the bronze door and knocked. You heard footsteps from the other side getting closer to the door. The door opened and it revealed the greasy punny man himself, Leo Valdez. You always had a crush on him but never had the guts to confess. He looked down at you because of his height and gave you a smirk. "I know what's going on, you are on one of your gaming trains again." "Mhm" you hummed in response. "Okay I'll meet you at you cabin in 10 minutes." Leo said as he started to close the door. "Wait-" you said and Leo opened the door a bit to hear what you had to say. "I suggest you bring an extra pair of underwear, and don't even go on your pervert side." At the end of the he started to laugh "Don't count on that Y/N." He winked and closed the door. "Why am I even friends with you Valdez?" You said and more laughter sounded from the other side of the door and it faded off. You walked back to camp admiring the scenery while you can because you were going to have a real fun night.
~10 min later~
The door to your cabin opened and the famous repair boy walked in. He sat next to you and and looked at the screen. "Sister location?" He said with confusion in his voice. You giggled and handed him the laptop and a pair of headphones. "Your gonna need these" you said as you gave him an evil smile. He cautiously looked at you and look the laptop and the headphones "Sometimes I think you buy candy from the Stolls like its drugs." You laughed and punched him in the shoulder "Hey! You do that too!" "Oh, yeah that's right!" And you both laughed. Leo stood up and looked around "Can I use the bathroom by chance?"  "Yep, its right over there." You pointed to the corner of the cabin and Leo made his way over there. You then got the idea that he was trying to stall from playing the game. You pulled up a different tab to make sure the screen was recording the gameplay and that the webcam was also recording. You heard the toilet flush and you changed it back to sister location. Leo sat back down next to you and you made sure everything was set up. You clicked the start button for Leo and then the intro started.
A/N spoilers!!!
"There's no doughting on what you achieved at a technical level, these are clearly state of the art there are just just certain design choices that where made for these robots that we don't fully understand. We were hoping that you could could shed some light on those. She can dance, she can sing. She's equipped with the built-in helium tank for inflating balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests, she can even dispense ice cream. With all due respect those are the design choices we were curious about mr. Afton. " Leo whistled "those must be some cool robots." you snickered "keep thinking that Valdez. This game didn't bother you because you played it so many times that you were prone to them jump scares in this game. Leo looked curious as he was in the elevator the A.I. Started to talk an explain everything. He looked more interested than scared.
Soon enough Leo was on night two and was hiding under the desk behind the wall of metal with little holes in it. (Y/N) watched the screen and Leo switching between both and the door started to creak open and Leo was flipping out trying to keep the door closed. He failed, biddy bab jumped out on the screen and he screamed a girlish scream and you laughed and rolled off the bed and landed on the floor forgetting the pain and just laughing Leo glared at you and started to pout his cute pout and crossed his arms looking at you and soon joined your laughter. You were crying from laughter on the floor. A couple of minutes later you contained your laughter and you looked on the screen. Leo tried the night again and got to the point where he had to get through ballora gallery and fix the controls. Leo was going slowly through the gallery and you got the brilliant idea of scaring him again. You flinched and slightly pushed Leo which made him jump, almost fall off the bed and take off his headphones. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR (Y/N)!!! YOU LEGIT SCARED ME TO DEATH!!" Leo screamed and you again had another laughing attack. Leo put the headphones down on the floor with the laptop. "I am going to show you I am not afraid of anything." " Oh yeah repair boy? How are you going to do tha-" Leo cupped your face in his hands and kissed you. You were is shock, shocked that he would do that. You melted into the kiss and kissed back. You snacked your arms around Leo's neck and Leo wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you with passion now. You tangled your hand in Leo's dark brown curls. Leo scooted you closer to him and continued to kiss you. You felt Leo's tongue asking for entrance and you let him. He explored your mouth and massaged your own tongue. You moaned and Leo liked this. He leaned you back on your bed without breaking the kiss and you took a hand went under his shirt and traced his abs. The door opened and one of your friends, Piper, walked you froze and looked at her. She blushed and started to walk out "Just so you guys know dinner is in 5 minutes." Piper left closing the door behind her and Leo looked at you with a loving gaze. He got off of you and helped you sit back up. "Sorry I got carried away there." Leo apologized but you shut him up before he could apologize for himself any more and pecked him on the check "It'll fine Leo, but you heard what Piper said. Dinner is in 5 minutes." You started to walk out of the cabin and Leo rushed to your side intertwining your hand with his. "So are we a thing?" Leo asked "If you want us to be" you replied back and you two went off the the mess hall before anyone suspected anything... But you both still had Piper to worry about. She shipped you two like crazy and you thought she would explode like a bomb when she walked in.

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