Young volcanoes (Jason) part 1

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Y/N pov
6:30 where is he? Just as I was thinking that I felt a slight breeze on my back I turned around and saw Jason with a beautiful bouquet of F/C flowers. We have been dating for 5 months and things have been going great.

Jason said," Some beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl." I looked in his eyes and they were so beautiful that I could get lost in them. "Ready to go?", he asked. I nodded and grabbed my suitcase we were taking a break from camp and going to Hawaii. He held his arms around my waist and took off. And no we are not flying to Hawaii like that we were flying to the airport.

You might be wondering why did Chiron let me and Jason go to Hawaii? Well my friend after the war with Gea (don't know how to spell for my life) Chiron let people go to places for at most a week. But me and Jason earned it after the war we helped train younger Demigods train to fight monsters. Chiron noticed our hard work and suggested we go to Hawaii. Enough back story for now. We were flying to California then going to new Rome. Why? Because the plane tickets would be cheaper if we just fly the rest of the way from California to Hawaii.

We got to the air port and successfully got on the plane and took off I was nervous out of my mind because I hate heights. Jason noticed I was scared and held my hand saying," Don't worry I won't let you fall." With my stubborn side I thought he was fibbing.

--------- time skip because I can------------

Finally the ride was over now off to new Rome... This will be awkward because we will have to run into Reyna there. Oh well you gotta do what you gotta do. Me and Jason are waiting for our luggage like everyone else but I get a text from my sister. 'The whole G/P cabin hopes you have fun!!! ' thanks for not telling me before I left but what can I say I would of done that to. I look up from my phone to see Jason holding our bags.
"Thanks Jason!"
"No problem Y/N."
"Are you exited as I as to go to Hawaii?!?!"
He looks at me with a smile and said,"Is that even a question!"
"I guess not!"
As I grab my bag from Jason someone comes up to us... It's Reyna!!! " Hey Reyna!" I said to her as she came over. " Hey guys! Ready to go?", she replied. I swear magic was going around or whatever God of phones is finally catching up with the schedule but I got a call from my sister. "Sorry got to take it be right back." I step away and go someplace less crowned so I can hear her.

Y- you S- sister

Y- Hey sis, what's up?
S- I wanted to apologize for not saying goodbye earlier in person. I was going to but you left right after I got done training.
Y- No that's fine I totally get it.
S- Everyone missed you to say goodbye so they wanted me to text you. Peer pressure am I right?
Y- Yeah you are right. And you don't need to apologize for not saying goodbye. I will call you when I get to Hawaii.
S- ok sound great bye!!!!
Y- bye!
(End of call)

I walk back to Jason and Reyna and they are talking about how well Frank is doing as a praetor. Reyna looks over to me and says,"Ready to go now?" "Yep", I replied. Here comes the long ride to camp Jupiter. We get in a taxi and tell the driver to take us somewhere near the camp. I can't remember the shop but it is close enough to camp. As we are in the taxi I take out my ear buds and iPod and start to play a song that fits in so perfectly with Hawaii.
Start song!!!!! If you already did shame on you...

When Rome in ruins
We are the lions
free of the coliseum

I look out the window to see a museum. I wonder if it has anything to do with Greek mythology...

In poison places
we are anti venom
we're the beginning of the end.

I start to daydream and think about a pool of acid. It doesn't seem great but I don't know why there is one. I start to imagine a vile on a stand next to the pool. It must be the anti venom.

Tonight the foxes hut the hounds
it's all over now
before it has begun
we've already won.

I start to change the subject by seeing a hunting store near by. I wonder what would happen if a fox chased the dog for once.
(Still part of the chorus)
We arrrrrrrrre wild
We are like young volcanoes

We arrrrrrrrrrrre wild
Americana, exotica
Don't you want to feel a beautiful baby
(End of chorus)

I wonder how weird it is for Americans to go to Hawaii in the natives perspective. I mean we just took over the place. I look at Jason and he looks back. He grabs my hand and holds it. I feel safe around him. And no one can change that.

C'mon make it easy
Say I've never mattered
Run it up the flag pole

We will teach you how to boys next door
Out on a** holes

( sorry for the language)
Jason was quite the gentleman compared to other boys at camp. But I do miss my siblings and friends there. Jason changed my life. I am not so antisocial anymore.

(Chorus X2)
End of song

We reached a coffee shop on the edge of the closest town to camp Jupiter.

-------Time skip brought to you by MCD-------------

We reached Hawaii finally!!!!!
We got those flower necklaces around our necks and....
(To be continued)
Lol cliffhanger I just love to see people suffer from suspension.
That was 1028 words... Your welcome wattpad!
Anyway stay tuned for part 2...

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