10 paces fire! (Will x reader)

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A/n hey! This is an AU (alternate universe) where you and Will live in the Wild West and are both humans aka not demigods... that sounds about right. Enjoy my dudes! Requested by: @HanjiZoe24

Y/n pov
let me tell you, not wearing a dress all the time is like heaven in the sun's heat. You could say I'm like a version of Calamity Jane, acting like a guy but that's how I roll. I don't dress up for anyone. I walked into the saloon and went to the counter to my two best friends, Annabeth and Piper.

They still dress in dresses because they work in the saloon, but they wish they didn't have too. "Hey Y/n! How is the undefeated gun slinger?" Annabeth said as I sat down on a counter side stool. "Alright, I have another duel later today at noon like usual." Yep that's right I am undefeated, but so is the person I'm dueling. We got into a little disagreement. Do you know who that person is?

Percy Jackson. Yep the big hotshot from the east coast, the problem about this is that Annabeth is his girlfriend. "So who is it against Y/n?" Piper questioned moving over to where we are. "Annabeth, you won't like this. I'm dueling Percy Jackson."
"No Y/n, you can't!" She almost yelled.
"Well if you don't like the idea then talk your boyfriend into forfeighting Annabeth. He is the one who started the fight and proposed the idea of a shoot off!" I defended.

"I admit to doing both of those things, but I am not backing out L/n" Percy said as he stood in the doorway. Annabeth ran over to him and dragged him outside to most likely have him abandon the idea. "We will see if our seconds can solve this before we get into the real deal." I said and turned to Piper. "If you got someone that is dear to you, please tell me his name before I agree to shoot his brains out." I told her.
"His name is Jason Grace."
"Okay I'll keep that in mind." I responded and motioned for her to give me a beer. Hey, I'm a big girl. I know my limits. The door opened again to reveal a man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Will Solace. "Hey Solace, come over here!" I shouted to him. He looked my way and sat in a stool next to me. "Hey Y/n, what's up?"
"We need another doctor again Will, I was hoping you would accept."
"Y/n I have been your second for years, and I have been training as a doctor. I can't play both."
"Will you have too! I have no one else. You are our only doctor in town today and if I had Piper be my second she wouldn't do mush good." I whispered the last part and glanced at Piper serving a blonde man with electric blue eyes. "Fine, only because in your boyfrie- best friend. That's what I meant to say."
I shrugged it off and continued to drink my beer.

Time skip brought to you by Percy's sassiness

Y/n pov
I stood back to back with Jackson and Percy's second, Grover, started to count to ten and we started walking. We made up a rule if you turn around before ten and shoot at the other person, you will be arrested and charged for murder.
'I can't believe I'm actually going to do this' I thought
I turned and pointed my gun in the air as a sign of saying I will not shoot. But he didn't do the same. He fired at me and I got hit in the side and I screamed when the bullet made contact. I couldn't kill one of my friends special someone, even if it ment risking my life. I fell and Will came running over and stared at the wound worriedly.

I looked at him and chuckled in pain. He looked me in the eye like I was crazy. "You know your cute when your worried." I said and he didn't like that statement at all. "Y/n don't say that! You will be alright, just stay awake and keep breathing." He yelled as he opened his doctors kit and started operation. He got the bullet out with ease and started to clean the wound. I hissed and whined every time he made the alcohol come in contact with my wound. He kept muttering sorry whenever I sounded like his actions hurt.

Soon enough he wrapped up my wound and tackled me in a hug. "I almost lost you Y/n! Don't ever do that again! You scared me out of my skin. Please don't do that again." He started to cry in my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him and started to cry as well, from both the pain and the fact I now realized how he felt about me.

"You know, if you liked me that way you could have said it earlier before I almost died." I said and he looked at me confused. "What are you talking about L/n?" He asked and I smirked. "Let me show you." I leaned in to kiss him and he kissed back. It went on like that for a while then we pulled apart. I then realized we were still on the dirt where I had fell and there was dried blood as well. "Well, let's continue this somewhere else shall we?" I told him and he chuckled and carried my bridal style to his house. I will just leave the rest of what happened to that BIG imagination you have.

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