Chapter III: Devil's Dance

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As school ends I grab my bag and say bye to Nathan as he walks away. I walk towards the back of the school to head home when I see the girls out of the corner of my eye. The sclera of my eye turns pure black and the iris turns yellow for a flash of at most a second. At that second I know that there's something off about the blonde one. I keep walking and turn the corner then hide in the janitor's closet before they can catch me.

As they pass by I creep out and walk up to them with a smirk.

"Hey ladies. Am I to attractive to leave alone?" I say chuckling

They jump back and the brunette puts her hand to her chest legitimately scared

"Jesus don't do that!" She half yells

I put up my hands innocently "Sorry babe."

She rolls her eyes crossing her arms pushing out her boobs

"Need help carrying those?" I joke

"Shutup." She retorts.

The blonde whispers something to the girl holding her boobs and then nods

"Christo" She says blankly

My pupils flash yellow and I gag a bit. That's it. The dead giveaway. They are now the only people other than Nathan to know of my being.

My mood darkens and my eyes feed off a killer instinct "So, then you're both hunters?"

The girls nod and at that split moment I slow down time enough for me to touch them both on the heads erasing their memories of my devilhood. As taxing as it is for me to use my demonic power after my fall, and power as strong as I just used. It was more than necessary.

                                                                         (Laney's perspective)

As I came back into consciousness I see Izmar's face flushed with giant amounts of red as her backs against the wall and her lips are pressed against the guy we were trailing's.

"Izmar?!" I yell confused and embarrassed.

She pushes away panting, and just as, or more confused than I was.

"I outta knock your lights out." I say as I walk up to the man in front of us.

"Hey now, She kissed me first, and I don't fight girls... 'Specially pretty ones." He says waving his hands.

"Yeah! Well! I...Whatever. I guess we'll see you around, sorry about, all this." I reply walking towards freshman parking

                                                                           (Lucifer's Perspective)

I catch up to them hearing a small bit of conversation regarding my mysteriousness.

"Y'all headin' to the parking lot?" I ask perkily

"Yea...Why?" The blonde replies.

"Same here!" I say excited and walk with a slight jump in my step.

As we approach the freshman parking lot I walk towards my black 1969 Z28 Chevy Camaro. I look back at the girls seeing their eyes widen in surprise.

"Is that yours?" The blonde asks.

"No. It's the Archangel Michael's." I reply jokingly.

She rolls her eyes and Izmar breaks in "Nice car."

"Thanks! Nice kiss." I say smirking.

She blushes and hides behind her hair.

"Need a ride home?" I ask starting up the car and smiling at the beautiful sound of the engine.

The blonde looks over at Izmar and shrugs walking over getting in shotgun. Izmar sits in the middle of the back seat and I drive off.

As I pull into the blonde's driveway I get out with them.

"Got anything to eat?" I ask sheepishly.

The blonde sighs and nods.

"It's Laney by the way." she says.

"Lucifer." I reply smiling.

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