Chapter XXIV: Lilith

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When the last trap set for Lilith I walk over and lean against the car. "Lilith, we need to talk." I say and close my eyes, waiting.  Hearing the flap of wings I open my eyes to see Lilith dusting herself off.

"Hi Luci." She says giggling. Standing at 4'10 she's the rather tiny, her hair is red and somewhat short with a small pony tail at the end. Her eyes white signaling her as one of my generals. Lastly she has a black Cleric's shirt outlined in white to designate her power.

"Hey Lil. How're you?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I'm good. You said we needed to talk?" She says tilting her head.

"Yeah. Come here." I say waving her towards me. As she walks across the hidden sigil, obviously it hasn't worked. I slip the First blade from my pants and as she closes towards me I slice an arc at her chest.

She jumps back and swipes her hand out throwing me against the wall. Laney throws her Angel blade at Lilith then runs towards her with Nathan and Izmar. Lilith ducks under a punch then knees Laney in the stomach and rolls over her back planting the heel of her foot into Nathan's neck. Izmar slices towards Lilith with an Angelic blade and grazes her arm. She grabs Izmar's wrist and elbows her in the neck then slaps her nose with the back of her hand, turning and punching her in the throat. The three get back up and Lilith throws them all to the nearest wall with a strong gale of wind.

I drop the first blade and walk towards Lilith, throwing a punch. She ducks and knees at my stomach, I grab her thigh and spin elbowing her in the ribs. She sends a punch into my chest and I roll off it grabbing her arm, twisting it behind her. She grabs my side from behind and twists up, throwing me into the ground from behind her. I move as she charges her fist with light, slamming it into the ground breaking the concrete.

"So what turned you? Why'd you betray me Lil?" I say charging my fists with shadow.

"You're not strong enough to control hell, or heaven anymore. I didn't betray you, I'm trying to end the war quicker, so that we can all be free." She responds.

"The way you're doing it isn't right, this world will be destroyed in the process." I say walking towards her.

"So what." She replies and throws a punch at me. I duck and plant a foot into her stomach, sending her back a few feet. Izmar gets up and stabs towards her cutting into her arm. Lilith winces and turns punching Izmar's neck, sending her into the car.

She roundhouses me, knocking me off my feet. She grabs the Angelic blade and drives it towards me, I move my head and kick her off me. Shadow surrounds my body and explodes, cracking the concrete around me. Lilith's light burns brighter and surrounds her body.

"Arche Angel versus Demon King. Who will win." She chuckles. She throws a punch and I move to the side elbowing her ribs, then kicking her in the back. I send another kick towards her and she vaults over it then twists and sends a punch into my stomach, I grab her wrist.

"Even and Angel can't break through steel." I say and twist her wrist, causing her to fall to her knees. Pulling the First blade to my hand I slice towards the crook of her neck.

"Wait!" She yells and looks up. "I give up, you're stronger." She says.

I let go of her wrist and drop the blade. She summons the light into her body, causing her skin to shine. As she gets up I'm knocked back into a wall. I see Molloch walk towards me with an Angelic blade.

"She's not the only one who didn't agree with you." He says raising the blade. I pull the First blade to my hand and block a stab as Molloch sends the Angelic blade towards my throat. I spin and cut through his side then kick him into the wall. As I'm about to stab through him, I'm thrown against the car then the ground. Picking myself up I see Lilith and Molloch walking towards me. The shadow around me intensifies and my eyes gleam red. Molloch stabs at me and I move cutting his chest. Lilith elbows towards me, side stepping I elbow Molloch in the stomach then knee Lilith in the chest. I plant my foot into Lilith's stomach pushing her back a foot, then use the car to push myself off and slam my shin into Molloch's neck. They both recover, Molloch throwing a punch, I drop and elbow Lilith in the solar plexus, punch Molloch in the throat, and get up throwing a Haymaker into Lilith's jaw. Molloch still grabbing for breath, I sweep his legs and slam my fist into his chest, causing a cracking sound to come from both his ribs, and the ground.

"Both of you are pathetic." I say then walk over to Molloch, putting my hand on his head. "Sleep now brother." I smite him, shadow erupting from his mouth and eyes.

Walking towards a beaten Lilith, I kneel down next to her. "Lil...Gotta say. Out of everyone, I never expected this from you or Azazyel." I get up and walk over to the first blade, picking it up.

"Wait...Luci..." She coughs up a bit of blood. "I'm sorry, you're the strongest. I follow your command." She says back up.

"Now, why, should I believe you?" I say kneeling next to her.

"I've been around longer than even Azazyel, that as to count for something..." She says desperately.

"Yes, and I gave you a second chance, then you tried to kill me again with Molloch. Look how that turned out." I reply, pointing with the knife at his body.

"I know! I just... I wanted to end the war for you. So you could rest and be ready for Michael, I want it all to be over." She says looking down.

"Fine. I'll give you this last time, but never betray my trust again." I say helping her up.

"Of course Luci." She says and hugs me. I pat her head and walk over to Izmar, healing her wounds.

Nathan and Laney both get up a few minutes later and limp over.

"Turns out you didn't need us." Nathan says chuckling and walks into the house, trailed by the girls.

I sigh and look at my car, dented and scratched. "We've gotta stop fighting around my baby."

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