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"Good morning Mr.Beckham" I say reaching up to kiss him. His tall ass swear that when I get on my tippy toes shit helps. My 5'3 frame compared to his 5'11 frame.

"I was thinking we go to my moms place for breakfast" He says putting his clothes on. "Alright cool where that diner?" I ask. "Yeah get dress.... But hold up, Ary I really love you baby girl and I want you to be mines forever" Odell says.

Odell pulls this box out his pocket then get on his knee. "Oh my gosh are you" I say in shock. "I don't want to rush it but for now baby this is a promise ring, I promise to stay loyal to you, work hard for the both of us and keep you happy at all time" He says.

A tear slides down my cheek. "I love you too Mr.Beckham" I say leaning down to kiss him. "Love you more future Mrs.Beckham".  "I have to show the ladies and August this".

After that night when August walked out I thought our friendship was over. But we talked and we're working on rebuilding our friendship. He's even gotten closer to Ro which is adorable. I pull out my phone and send a picture to August.

"Hello?" I say through the phone.

"What the fuck is that Aryanna !" August yells.

"Chill it's a promise ring ! Isn't it beautiful" I say smiling down at it.

"It's alright I could do better, hey what you doing today I need help with some homework" August says.

"I meet Odell's mom today even though we met at his game but this is more a private setting I don't know about later but we'll see".

"Alright cool hit me up after , this math shit killing me" He says before hanging up.

I start getting dress before Odell walk back up in here acting like he somebody daddy or something. I pick out this cute black dress and matching heels to go along with it.

"You ready?" . "Yup baby I was born ready" I say grabbing my phone.

We arrive to the restaurant his mom is already seated. "Hi mom , this is my beautiful girlfriend/ baby mama Aryanna " Odell says laughing.

I stale face him and punch him on his shoulder. "Hi Mrs.Beckham , I'm Aryanna it's a pleasure to meet you again" I say smiling.

"Same here you're a beautiful young lady how can I forget you my son talks about you all the time, you know all those times at the game we weren't able to talk so this just feels more comfortable for us to really get to know each other" she says hugging me. Odell pulls the seat out for his mom then me. "So you guys been together for quit some time now" Kate says smiling.

"We have been almost three years now... I'm a junior we started dating when I was a freshmen" I say smiling at Odell. "Since that day she stole my heart" Odell says.

"That's all cute and stuff but , what do you really want with my son he's going to be very successful he's been working hard... And he's going to the NFL drafts" His mother says.

"Ma'am with all due respect I know this.. I've by his side supporting him at all his games and Odell know where my heart lies" I say. "Hmm I hope so , I love my son and I'll do anything to protect him" Kate says smiling.

I let out a sigh. "Alright ladies how about we order some food" Odell says. "I'm going to the restroom" I say excusing myself.

"This lady is so rude" I say to myself as I wash my hands. Fixing my hair over my shoulders I then join them back at the table. Odell put his hand on my lap.

"Aryanna I'm sorry I came at you a little rude but this is my baby and I'd hate to seem him so hurt" Kate says. "I understand... But next time get to know person character first before judging I love your son honestly" I say. "I love him too at least we have that in common" She says laughing.

Getting over that little heated moment we order food and drinks. "So what are you going to school for Aryanna?". "I'm going for psychology , I want to get my Ph.D so I can open up a clinic for young teens who deal with depression and other problems" I say. "That's wonderful !" She says.

Getting back to my dorm Odell comes in. "That was fun" I say kicking off my shoes. "You did a good job" Odell says joining me on the bed. When he moved on out his dorm he got me a dorm all to myself. "I'm going to miss you baby" I say my head laying on him.   "Me too baby girl , but just stay strong for me it'll be over soon as you know it and by next year you can move out with me".

"Not if mama Kate has something to do with it" I say laughing. "Leave my mom alone" Odell says chuckling. "On the real... You better not mess around out there Odell you and them popcorn hoe will get y'all asses beat" I say.

"Baby id never do that to you , climb on top of me" He says pulling me gently. I straddle on top of him. "I love you Aryanna Jones" Odell says looking into my eyes. "I love you too Odell Beckham" I say smiling.

There's a knock at the door , I roll my eyes of course someone wants to ruin this moment. "Yeah?" I ask before opening the door. "Girl open this door!" August yells. "What?" I ask stepping to the side. "You ain't helping a nigga with his homework?" He ask. "I forgot about that... Come on in" I say.

"Oh shit I ain't see you what's good Dell?" August ask dapping him up. They talk a little keeping it simple then I help August with his work.

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