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"Alright class today I want you guys to group up but I'll be picking your partners" Professor says.

I roll my eyes I hope I don't get someone who lets me do all the works cause for sure they name isn't getting put in it. The professor starts calling people everyone starts moving around.

"Aryanna and Aliyah" She says.

I have no idea who that is, I raise my hand in hope the girl will just come to me. "Girl I know who you are you Odell Beckham girl" she says giggling.

"Yeah I am , we famous already?" I laugh.

"Yup people say you mad pretty and shit then you have the hating ass females who talk shit... I think mad pretty and thick as fuck" She says.

I laugh,"Thanks Aliyah right ?".

"Yeah girl and don't forget it" She says.

She seems like a cool girl and she team Odell and Ary so she cool in my book. After discussing the project and who'd do what class was over. I give Aliyah my number so she can hit me up when she free.

"Have a good one" Aliyah says.

"Thanks love , you too!" I say.

I get back to my dorm and so Odell is still sleeping. I contemplate in wether I should wake him up or leave him to sleep. I change into some shorts.

"Odell wake up" I whine. He groans and turns away from me. I laugh. "Beckham wake yo ass up" I say.

"What Mrs.Beckham?" He ask turning to face me.

"I'm back from class it's 11 wake up" I say.

"How about you sleep with me baby a nigga sleepy" He says wrapping his arm around me.

"Nope it wouldn't be a normal day if we ain't see the crew" I say.

There's a knock at the door; I wonder who that is. I open and see August and Ro. "Hey you two" I say smiling.

"Bruh y'all morning people annoy me"Odell says getting up heading straight to the bathroom.

We all laugh. "What y'all doing here we got outta class early ain't shit to do so why not hang with y'all" Ro says.

"Y'all the real mvps" I say laughing.

"Oh isn't there something going on at the quad?" I ask.

"Yeah you right somebody performing or some shit" August say.

"Once Odell get ready we should so go" I say.

"I'm down" Ro says. And August nods his head.

"How was class ?" I ask them.

"It was burning my professor teaching us shit we already know" August says.

"Mines was alright just was happy to get out early" Ro says.

There's another knock at the door I'm assuming it's Toya. To my surprise it's Aliyah. "Hi Aliyah how'd you find my dorm?"I ask.

"I asked this girl down the hall , I got nothing to do was wondering if you're free to chill?" She ask.

"Come on in , my friends and I are going to the quad soon" I reply moving to the side to let her in.

"Aliyah this is August and his girl Ro" I say being silly.

"I like that title " August says laughing.

"Finally Dell we been waiting a hour for you" I say.

"Oh shit Mr.superstar back in town" Aliyah says.

"What's up? " He says nodding towards her.

"Dellie this is my friend Aliyah" I say introducing the two.

"Hi Odell" Aliyah says.

We all head up to the quad the kappas come out looking fine as fuck in the red letter jackets. I know the leader Moxam his fine Jamaican ass is in one of my classes.

"They about to be lit" Aliyah says.

Odell wraps his arm around my waist. I look up at him and start smiling.

"Y'all too cute no wonder that girl wanted ya spot Ary" Aliyah says.

"Who?" I ask looking at her.

"Jasmine... Shit no wonder she uh never mind" Aliyah says smiling.

I look at Odell and back at her what do they know that I don't. "Who's jasmine?" I ask Odell.

"Remember that chick that tried to fight you at my first game of the season your freshmen year".

"Yeah ... What she try to do?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"You know she wanted to get with me I declined that shit everyone baby don't stunt no female" He says.

"Yas!" Toya shouts out as the kappas do they step.

"Yas slay Toya edges" I yell out causing our little group to laugh.

"I should have been one of them" August say.

"Augusg you too skinny for all that you need to be focus on building muscle and some weight" I say laughing.

August mean mugs me. "Everybody can't be built like Odell".

"You right not everyone can be built like my baby" I say cheesing.

"Ary you knew about Odell back in the days when he first got here , he was a mess" Aliyah says laughing.

"Baby let me talk to you over here real quick" Odell says pulling me to the side.

"Be back y'all".

"I ain't feeling ya new friend something about shorty ain't right" Odell says.

"She a unique characters I don't know what's up with these questions but give her a chance Toya way messier and we learned to love her" I say.

"Hmm I guess but I'm warning you baby I don't trust her I got a bad feeling about that one" He says.

I tippy toe so I can reach up to kiss him. "Don't worry we'll be cautious around her".

"Good lets go back then".

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