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Getting back in from hanging out with August I open the door quietly so I don't wake Odell. "You just now getting back" Odell says startling me.

"I though you were asleep baby got me sneaking up in here.".

"Why is that every time we get on good terms you and ya little Bestfriend find some way to fuck that shit up... You saying you love me but go behind my back and do the most stupidest shit" Odell says.

"What're you taking about Odell?".

"You want to be with that nigga huh? Go be with him leave me the fuck alone Ary this shit here ain't cool" He says getting out of bed.

"Baby you knew I was hanging with August I don't get why it's a big deal now.... I keep telling you August and I are just friends and nothing more to that".

"Friends huh?" He gives a half hearted laugh. "This what friends do Ary?" He says showing me this picture.

My eyes widen ; who the fuck took a picture of us. It's harmless us talking and August happens to be holding me hands and be all up in my face. Why is that shit in the school website.

"Odell that's nothing I promise we was just talking , nothing at all happen between us" I say walking up to him.

"Nah Ary I'm done playing boo boo the fool" Odell walks out the room leaving me speechless.

I wake up for class feeling like shit I hardly got any sleep last night. Dragging my body to the bathroom begin getting ready. I text Odell phone to see where he went but he doesn't answer.

Making my way to class everything in mind is telling me just skip it take a day off. I take a walk to the library to my surprise Odell is there. I contemplate on going over there. Then I see Toya make her way over. I sneak my way behind the book shelf so I can hear what they're talking about.

"I knew they weren't just friends... I've seen the way Ary looks at him" Toya says.

"Can't believe I fell for this shit , I should have known from that day Ary had to think on who she wanted to date this would happen" Odell says.

"I tried to tell Ro there was more to it but she didn't listen" Toya says.

I roll my eyes. That picture meant nothing we were caught at the wrong moment and the wrong angle. Next thing I know Aliyah joins them when did she become a normal part of the group.

"Hey you guys" She says all cheerful.

"What's up?" Odell says keeping it simple.

"Why the frown faces?" Aliyah ask. "Y'all saw the post on the blog I'm assuming".

"Yeah" Toya replies.

"If I were you Odell id just leave her , she doesn't notice how good you are then on to the next as they say" Aliyah says.

The nerves of this bitch to join my dysfunctional crew and try to make matters between my man and I worse. I should snatch this whore by her weave.

"What're you doing?" August ask startling me.

"Stalking now keep your voice down" I say.

"Toya is it true you tried to mess with August but then Ro got in the way?" Aliyah ask.

Toya chuckles, "Actually Aryana got in the way I think Ro is just a distraction cause Aryana is who he is really after".

I'm done with this conversation time to stick up for myself. "We need to interrupt this and speak up ... Tell Odell the fuck happen" I say.

My heart starting beating quicker. I don't know why I'm so nervous but it's now or never. "Let's go back that way so it don't look like we was listening the whole time" I say to August.

We sneak back close to the entrance so it looks like we're just walking in. Soon as we come in all eyes are on us. Toya rolls her eyes.

"Hi everyone" I say taking a seat. "Look I just want to clear my name... Odell you know I love you dearly that picture portray something that isn't true... I wouldn't hurt you like that" I say.

"Man I ain't disrespectful like that Odell, plus I'm feeling Ro I ain't that type of dude to hurt her like that" August says.

"Y'all full of shit I call it" Toya says getting up.

"Come on you guys give them a chance I'm sure it's not what it looked like" Aliyah says.

"I'm done with this relationship shit Ary... You can finally be with your best friend" Odell says leaving just Me , Aliyah and August at the table.

"I'm gonna go to my dorm and get some sleep my head is killing me all this stress shit is too much" I say grabbing my bag.

"Bye Ary" August and Aliyah says.

"Bye" I say cracking a smile.

I get back to my dorm and Odell's packing his stuff. I want to sit here and discuss this but I can tell he's not in the mood for it.

"A nigga don't cry often and you got me wanting to be like Usher break down in tears and sing a fucking heart break song" Odell says.

I get up and walk up to him. I touch his hand but he snatches it away. "Odell just think on this tonight... I love you and accepted your promise ring for a reason I see you and I going far that picture was nothing all August and I did was talk" I say with tears falling down my face.

Odell kisses my forehead then the back of my hand. "You'll always be my girl but I don't think I can continue like this" He says then exit the room.

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