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"Girl everyone about to up in this bitch it's going to be lit!" Aaliyah says setting up the drinks.

"I can't believe you dragged me out my damn room.. Once someone does anything or say anything I'm out" I say.

"Girl chill tonight is about having fun don't worry about anybody" She says.

"Hmm I guess, did you invite everybody?" I ask.

"Yes Aryanna! I need everyone here" She exclaims.

I roll my eyes. Well tonight will be interesting all of us up under the same room. I pull out my phone a notice August texted me good morning beautiful I start to smile.

"Who got you all smiling over there?" Aaliyah ask.

"Nobody girl I'll be back once this thing actually starts" I say.

"Alright see you !".

I head over to August dorm. I knock on the door and he opens quickly. He pulls me into a hug and kisses me.

"Mm good morning " I say smiling.

"Mornin' Ary" He says closing the door behind me.

"Everyone's going to be there tonight" I say sitting on his bed.

"Who cares ? Look fuck it we grown Aryanna I ain't down with this ducking and dodging shit I tried to talk to Ro she wasn't hearing it so I'm not running after her anymore" He says throwing on a shirt. "You are already?".

"No not yet want to go to the café ?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm down" He says grabbing his wallet.

"At least she's talking to you , She doesn't even want to cross paths with me and I haven't seen Odell in a little while.".

"Hey don't worry about them let's just do us that's it" August says throwing his arm around my shoulder.

Walking outside I can just peering eyes all on me. This girl walks by us and start laughing looking at me directly.

"You know this semester almost over man I'm thinking we make this official when it is" August says.

I start smiling, "I'd like that... What do we do stay out here in Louisiana ?" I question.

"Nah we need something new too much drama out here maybe California" He says.

We finally make it to the café and order our food. Waiting in line for our ticket number to be called I feel someone staring at me. I look around for a familiar face my eyes land on Odell.

"I'll be back Aug" I say before making my way towards Odell. "Can we talk?".

"Yeah..." He says following me to an empty table.

I take a deep breath in trying to figure out what to say first. "I'm sorry Odell... Shit wasn't suppose to happen like this at all" I say looking down at my hands.

"I'm sorry too Aryanna, Sorry I fell in love with you and now you done broke a nigga heart... Why didn't you just pick him to begin with?" He ask.

"Because I love you Odell" I say.

He chuckles, "You love me? Not acting like someone who love me... I feel stupid for believing that y'all could just be friends.".

"I do love you, it's such a difficult situation... That picture made things complicated, you have to believe me Odell that night nothing happen yeah we were a little too close but I respected you throughout our whole relationship" I say.

"Look ma I ain't even going to waste my time being mad at y'all .... I love you still that shit don't fade away quickly no matter how hurt I am, we just ain't for each other I get that now" He says getting up.

Odell leans down and kiss my forehead. "Wish y'all the best Aryanna" He says walking away.

I walk over back to August trying to hold in my tears. He holds my hand tightly. "We can take this to the room it'll be better" He says.

"Thank you" I mumble.

After crying my little heart out once again for the pass month. I realize maybe this is for the better it's time to let go and not hurt who we say we love. I eat half of my food then go to sleep till its time to wake up for the party.


"Damn you look good" August says in my ear before we head inside.

"Thank you" I say smiling. People already sweaty and drunk dancing all up on each other. The house smells of weed and alcohol but knowing these college kids there's probably more than just this two here.

We head into the kitchen and grab two drinks. August stands behind me wrapping his arm around me while he holds his drink in the other. "Want to dance?" He ask.

"Yeah hold on let me finish my drink I don't want to spill it on me.".

"Cool hold up, my phone ringing I'll be back" He says.

"Hey girl glad you made it back!" Aaliyah greets me.

"Of course I couldn't miss your party" I say laughing.

"So is that August you was all up on earlier" She ask with this sinister look on her face.

"Yeah it was Aaliyah".

"You know Ro and Odell are here right" She ask.

"I'm aware of that they would be here but I can't force anyone to talk to me.....I did my best to apologize to them both and they shut me down so now I'm ready to make myself happy" I say smiling.

"And August is that thing that makes you happy?".

I think about it for a moment. "Yeah he is actually we've been Bestfriend forever... he knows me like the back of his hand and vice versa".

"What's up Aaliyah?" August ask popping up or of nowhere.

"Hey! Glad you could make it, I'll leave you too love birds alone have fun!" She says before walking away.

"That was strange" I say.

"It was but fuck it , I seen your boy" August says.

"That's nice..".

He chuckles," I was just saying baby... you know I'm ready for us to just get our damn diploma and begin our new lives".

"Same a fresh start is just what we need" I say smiling.

"Mind if I steal her for a minute?" Odell ask.

August looks at me , I nod my head yeah. "I'll be around here somewhere text me after" August says then kisses my cheek.

"Y'all doing that shit out in the public now.... come outside with me Aryanna"Odell says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"That shit y'all did hurt me.... and seeing y'all together shit hurts even more was I just something to get over him ?" He ask.

"No Odell I genuinely love you... yes love it's not like feeling disappear so quick, I slipped up and someone caught us in the wrong moment. But you pushing me away and Ro pushing him away only pushed us closer" I say.

"I see that now, I didn't want to push you away from me all I wanted was you to understand that shit wasn't cool man! But I wish y'all the best" Odell says.

"Thanks... I wish you the best too Odell and I'm sorry I'm hurt you" I say putting my hand on his.

"Me too" He says with pain in his eyes.

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