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"5, 6, 7, 8... One, two, three, four and Done! Alright ladies great job." Ciara, the captain says. "Remember we meet up in the morning at 7 to workout. Be there or run extra miles in practice and think about it." Zee, the co-captain reminds us. "Girl they're killing me with this GI Jane shit." My friend Alexis says.

I laugh grabbing my duffle bag. "Girl let them tell it its natural. Besides we should be use to it by now."

"Never." She says as we stand by the bleachers and talk. The doors open and in walks the basketball team. "Damn what's up Lex? Ro?"

"Hey K." We say in union. I check my watch. "Alright Lex I'll catch you in the morning."

"Bye Ro. See you morning unfortunately."

I laugh as I walk out. I walk out the door and bump into someone. "Twice in one week. What's up Royalty?"

"Hey Zaire. Sorry about bumping into you."

"It's cool." I smile awkwardly and go to walk away. "Where you headed?" Zaire asks. "To my dorm actually. What about you? You don't look like a basketball player."

He chuckles, "Nah just came to pick up my sister."

"Zaire I have to stay back and help Ciara. I told you I would call." Zee says running out ignoring me standing here. "Alright then Zee. I'll be outside whenever you're ready." Zaire says, "Zee you know Ro?"

"Yeah. She's on the dance team." Zee says dismissively.

"Oh okay. Well it was good seeing you again Zaire. See you in the morning Zee." He grabs my phone as we look at him sideways. "Call me." Zee groans and walks back inside the gym. She doesn't seem too happy about that. "Why couldn't I just give you my number?" I ask grabbing my phone. "I like to let the ball be in the lady's court first."

August :Mind coming outside?.: I look down at the message then at the time. It's almost 9 I could hang for a bit. :I'll be out shortly.: I throw on something presentable and walk out the door. "Royalty the RA asked me to drop this off." I roll my eyes. "Did they really or are you breaking privacy laws?" I ask Darrien. "I swear." I grab the envelope. "Where you headed?" He asks.

"Away from you."

"You use to be so sweet."

"You use to so faithful. Bye Darrien."

I walk out the door and see August sitting on the bench. "What's up Ro?" August says getting up to hug me. "Hey Aug."

I sit down beside him on the bench. "What you doing out here? Just chilling?" I ask. "You're so proper. But yeah got a few things on my mind."

"What's on your mind?"

"I'm taking this addictions class and shit is really just hitting too close to home."

"How?" I ask.

"My uncle died from a drug overdose when I was sixteen."

"Damn. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Shit is just crazy you know. In class we learning bout all the signs and things to look out for and its like... Everything was there. We watching him kill himself basically and its fucked up." My heart breaks into pieces seeing and hearing this. It's nothing worse than watching the one you love fade away. I know that feeling all too well.

"I understand. But you can't blame yourself Aug. Most of the time people are set in their own ways."

"Yeah but it's something I could've done Ro. I can't tell you how many time I gave him some money or gave him a ride up the street when I knew exactly what he was doing."

"Whether you helped him or not, he was going to find a way was going to be to feed his addiction. Addicts with make they get what they want by any means."

"How you know Ro?" I sigh leaning back. "Well I had an older sister who drank herself to death when I was sixteen."

"Damn." He sits his arm around my shoulder and leans back. "She tried to play it off like it was water or juice or shit like that but I knew. She even let me try some once."

"Guess we got more in common than we thought." Aug says. "I guess so." I lay my head on his shoulder. "Does it still hurt?" He asks. "Yeah, it does. It's why I don't really drink like that now."

"I thought it is just because you weren't really into getting turnt like that." I laugh, "I can get turnt when I want too."

"Well, well, well what are we interrupting here? You two look nice and cozy." Toya says. I mentally roll my eyes. "Where y'all headed?" Aug asks. "To get something to eat." Ary says with an attitude. "Are you two coming or would you prefer to get a room?"

I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. "Toya chill out. Ro you down?" Aug asks looking at me. "Actually I'm just going to go back to my room. See y'all later." Im not feeling any vibes they're sending off so I'll keep my distance.

"Call me later. Cute shoes Ary." I say walking to my buildings door. "Alright." August says. I get inside and walk back up the stairs.

"Ro I was just about to call you. Someone left something for you at the door but I sat it on the table." My roommate Katrina says. "Okay girl." I realize I left my phone inside my room.

I walk through the door and see flowers. I smile picking up the card. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl and you dropped something...again -Zaire I laugh seeing my student ID inside the flowers. "What's so funny?" I clutch my heart. "Chi you scared me!" I shove him.

"Good. I was suppose too. Where were you?"

"I was outside. How did you even get in here?"

"I got my ways. You was outside doing what?" Malachi asks. I ignore his question and walk inside my room to find something to sit my flowers in. "Royalty I was talking to you."

"Chi I was talking sheesh. Why are you here?" He chuckles, "I make pop ups lil girl. Who got you flowers? I hope it wasn't no nigga."

"A new friend." I smile. "That's who you were outside talking too?"

"No I was talking with August."

"That nigga still around. So who got you flowers?" I laugh at Malachi's twenty one questions. "A friend."

"A name would be nice."

"It would be wouldn't it?"

"Ro stop playing."

"Malachi this isn't a game. I have workouts in the morning and I need to be sleep."

"Okay and... Who got you flowers?"

"His name is Zaire. Happy now?"

"His name? Royalty what did I tell you about these niggas. Oh my God, you're killing me man."

"They're just friends Chi."

"They don't need to be associates Ro."

I sigh getting in bed. "Would you prefer me to be gay chi?"

"I'd probably sleep a lot better."

I laugh shaking my head, "Get out. Good night."

"I'll be in the living room. Good night Ro."

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