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"How's August been handling this?" Odell ask. "Good we've been getting closer it isn't like how our friendship was before but we may never get there" I say. "How about all of us go out maybe have dinner". "Who's all of us?" I ask. "The whole old crew August , Ro and Toya" He says.

"That actually sounds fun , I haven't really spoken to Toya in a while.... Maybe that's just what we need" I say. "Cool text all of them and set that up lets go to Armani of there by Baton Rouge " Dell says. "Alright baby". Grabbing my things for class I kiss Odell then leave.

"Toya!" I yell jog to catch up with her. "Hey girl ! What's up?" She ask hugging me. "Nothing much , what're you doing tomorrow tonight ?" I ask. "Nothing really" he says.

"How about we go out like the good old time ? Me you and the gang" I say. "Sure sounds fun!" She says.

I send August and Ro a text asking them the same thing then I head off to class.

Class is so boring today all she doing is lecturing. It's like the time is going slow as fuck. I send a text to Odell asking him what he doing.

Odell: Ditch class come back to the dorm a nigga getting lonely.

Me: Boy I can't just leave.

I think on what he said then start packing my things. We aren't doing anything important today and I can just get notes from someone tomorrow. I quietly leave the room.

"Where you going" August says scaring me.

I hold my chest being dramatic. "I'm leaving long class shit is boring " I say.

"Me too , what's up with that invite from earlier".

"Odell think it's a good idea if we all hang out we haven't really talked much it sounded fun to me" I say.

"Hm I don't know if I'm going to make it".

"Why?" I ask.

"You know why Aryanna I ain't ready for all that shit like I told you , I don't give up" He says then kisses my cheek.

"Come on August it'll be fun the old crew back at it" I say trying to convince him.

"I'll think on it".

I finally make my way back to the dorm. To my surprise Odell has the room all set up with candles roses petals that lead the the bathroom. I giggle at the sight he's really bringing out the romantic side.

"Welcome future Mrs.Beckham" Odell says taking my hand.

"What's all this for?" I ask.

"I just wanted to show my appreciation towards you we been through one hell of a ride and you been holding me down I love you" Odell says.

"I love you too Mr.Beckham" I say smiling.

"I'm going to play some music for you enjoy your bath once you're done meet me out there".

"Alright handsome" I say reaching up to kiss him.

Sliding out my clothes I put them in the hamper. Pinning my hair up I then step in the tub , the warm water relaxes my muscles. August pops up in my head and his words replay in my head.

"Nah Aryanna you good I'll see you later , Odell you got a good one don't fuck up cause I'm not giving up on her....".

I erase that night out my mind and focus on the future. I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't think about what it would be like if August was in Odell spot. I miss my best friend honestly. The first year he ignored me completely no matter how much I tried he said he couldn't handle not having me in his life as his girl.

Fifteens minutes pass by I rinse off and then wrap a towel around my body.

"Come on baby you about to get the best body rub ever" Odell says.

"So I was thinking for your birthday we could go to like Dominican Republic or Jamaica" I say.

"That'll be dope".

"Cool I'll start planning" I say smiling. This massage is getting better and better by the second. His hands got a magic touch. Odell starts kissing on my neck.

"I want you Ary" Odell says in a husky tone.

Shit you can have me is what I want to say but don't want to seem too thirsty then again this my nigga. "Take me baby" I settle with saying.

This massage session turn into a full blown love making session. Odell had my ass doing shit I thought I wasn't flexible enough for.

Odell brought a side out of me that I didn't know existed. I guess that's why he doesn't want to let me go he taught me all this shit and for another dude to enjoy my beautiful self.

"Mm yeah baby right there" I moan.

Twenty minutes later we both out of breath laying in bed. Females who talk about they can go for hours be straight lying. I'm well in shape now thanks to Odell and I be tired after a good twenty to thirty minutes.

"I'm the luckiest man on the planet" Odell says kissing my forehead.

"I know you are" I say laughing.

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