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"I got drinks...." Toya says coming into the living room. August looks over at me, I give him a slight smile. "What was that for?" Ary asks. "Mhm." Toya adds. "No reason." I respond fixing my shirt. "Y'all nosey as hell." August says laughing. "Whatever..... Everyone get a cup. Let's play never have I ever." Toya says.

"The object of the game is we each say something and whoever has done it has to take a shot. Right?" Ary asks. "Right. Let's get lit."

"Who's first?" Aug asks. "Toya you go first." Ary says as she pours the alcohol in our cups. "Alright so never have I ever been feeling another woman's man or another's man woman is your case Aug." Leave it to Toya to try and be messy as hell. Surprisingly Ary takes a shot then Aug. Hmm..

"My go. Never have I ever only gotten close to someone to be spiteful." Ary says slick looking at August. This shit sounds personal. Toya takes a shot, it's figures. "Aug your go."

"Never have I ever cheated on my significant other."

"Define cheating." Toya says smiling. "Flirting with someone else, kissing someone else, shit y'all know what cheating consist of." He says putting an emphasis on flirting and kissing.

"What if any of that happens and your trying to talk to someone else is that cheating August?" Ary asks. "I mean if you ain't locked down yet then nah."

"But shouldn't you respect that person enough not to jeopardize what potentially could be with what it may never be with that other person?" Toya asks. "That's the smartest thing you've asked this entire trip." I say to her. "Ro don't even, when your blind to shit that happens right under your nose."

"That means what exactly?"

"Look let's just finish playing the game." August says. "Is anyone drinking to that one? No. Okay. Go Ro." Ary says.

"Never have I ever... Went streaking." Toya drinks a shot. "What y'all never just got butt naked and ran in the street?!?"

"Toya no." We all laugh.

After playing that I walk into the kitchen to pour my drink out. "You good Ro?" August actually coming up behind me. "Mhm. Are you good?" I ask. "Peachy.  Wanna go to my room and watch a movie?"

"What about Ary and Toya?" I could use a breather to be honest. "Okay." He grabs my hand and we walk to his room, not without us getting looks from Toya and Ary first. "What's up with that?" I ask August.

"With what?"

"You, Ary, Toya clearly knows something I don't."

"It's nothing Ro. Toya's just being messy as usually."

"Yeah I thought same thing the first time but she's really not letting whatever it is go. Be honest with me  is there anything I need to know?"

"No it's not. Ary is happy with her relationship and I'm happy with our unofficial one." He says smiling. I laugh, "unofficial huh?"

"You know you feeling the kid."

"Am I the only one feeling the kid?"

He laughs, "I never took you at the jealous type Ro."

"I'm not. I'm just asking a question."

"We good lil mama. Your the one with extra people in your phone."

"I don't even know Zaire like that and your cousin number is only still in there so I know not to answer."

"Mhm. Enough about anybody else. It's all about us girl." He lays across the bed after putting the movie in. "Come lay with me Royalty."

"Malachi would probably go bananas if he was here." I cozy up beside him. "I'd probably be a dead man, if Chi was here." He sits his arm around my waist.

We watch the movie and another one and another one after that. I almost fell asleep on him until he noticed. "Royalty." I look up. "Mhm."

"You sleep?"

"Just really tied boss." He laughs as my phone vibrates on the bed. "I don't know where it went."

"Found it. It's Darrien." I roll my eyes. "What does he want?" I grab my phone.

Darrien: Hey Ro. I just want to let you know I'm sorry for everything. I've accepted the fact that there isn't an us anymore. I was young and foolish and I didn't know what I had until I lost it. You're a true jewel Ro and you deserve to be treated like the queen you are. I hope my cousin can do that for you. I'll be here for you Ro. I still love you.:

"Well that was kind of touching." I say rolling over. "What he say?"

"He just apologized and says he still loves me and he hopes you can treat me like the queen I am."

"What's not to love?" He asks. "That's what's up. I plan on it as soon as you let me make you my official girlfriend."

"Maybe in the future."

"Hmm. I'm okay with waiting. Whatever you wanna do."

"So about hat question earlier. You do believe in boundaries when your potentially talking to someone?"

"I mean I think certain things are still okay."

"Such as what?"

"Like I don't know Ro. Why what you believe in doing?" Hm. That's kinda of a bummer. I slick viewed him as more mature than that.

"I believe you shouldn't be entertaining anyone other than who you're talking too unless your not serious about going anywhere with them."

"So what do think about this. Say you choosing between me and another guy. You know we have our bond or whatever but you end up choosing the other guy over me. Would you still be trying to kick it and actually be my friend when he's not around?"

I scrunch my face up. "Heck no. That's crossing a line. It wouldn't be fair to either of you. I wouldn't be a real friend if I didn't make time for you while he was there but just all of sudden when he's gone I have all the time in the world. It's kind of selfish too."

"How?" He asks.

"Because what if you want to find you another girl while I'm with my guy. I'd be taking you away from your girl like I'm trying to have the both of you."

"I can dig that Ro. I like that way you think."

Knock. Knock. "Come in." August says. It's Ary. "Hey Ro mind if I talk to Aug?" I get up. "No it's fine. I'm sleepy as hell anyway." She laughs awkwardly. "Good night Royalty." August says licking his lips. "Good night Aug. Good night Ary." August kisses my cheek before I leave out. I smile walking out the room. That boy there.

"Good night Toya." I say walking past the sofa. "Night Ro."

I walk inside my room and doze off until my phone rings. Who's calling me at midnight? Unless it's August. I look over at my screen, it's Odell. "Hello?"

"Ro what's good?!? Threw any trees lately?" I laugh, "No not lately. How's camp or wherever you are?"

"It was cool. Where's Ary? I tried calling her for the past two hours but her phones keeps going to voicemail."

"Um the last time I saw her she was in August room."

"Doing what exactly?" He asks sternly. "Talking I'm assuming." I shrug. What else would they be doing? "Alright cool. Preciate Ro."

"Sure thing." I hang up the phone and head right back to sleep.

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