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"Ro pack your bag and get ready to go." Malachi says. I'm kind of glad everything is behind me and I can finish these last few weeks of school. Hopefully it goes by fast. "Ro!" I sit my things in the car and turn around. It's Darrien and his uncle. "Hey."

"Ready to get back?"

I cut my eyes, "Not really."

"It should be cool. We only have a few weeks left."

"Hopefully so... Were you invited to Aaliyah's party?"

"Yeah. I don't know if I'm going through yet. The drama did seem to start till she arrived."

"Hm. Maybe it's just a coincidence. She did seem a bit messy at first but so is Toya and we still hang with her."


I get inside my room, "Ro I've missed you!" Katrina yells coming out of her room. "Hey! I've missed you too. What have I missed?"

"Flowers, the two girls down the hall got to fighting the other day, but that's really it."

"Oh so not much." She laughs, "Girl no... I saw you and Darrien walking into together though. That's back on?"

"Girl no, we're just friends."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Okay Ro. Well your flowers are on the table."

"I'll be sure to throw them away."

She laughs, "Good night Ro."

"Night boo." I walk over to the table and look at the flowers. Picking the five dozen of flowers  up and  I tossing them in the trash. Here's to that.


"Ro!" I groan turning around. "What?" I ask turning around. "How you been?" August asks. "Fine."

"That's cool. I was wondering could we talk? I can get you a muffin and coffee."

"Thanks but I'm fine."

"Ro please?"

"Make it quick." Normally I wouldn't give him five seconds of my day but the semester is  almost over. I'll hear whatever he has to say.

We walk into the coffee shop and get our things. "So how did the funeral go?"

"It went fine."

"You still mad?"

"What do you think?"

He sighs, "I'm sorry. My bad. You shouldn't have gotten strung along like that."

"You should've just been straight up from the jump. If Ary is who you wanted, that's what you should've done, get with her. You wasted my my time and energy for what? Because you couldn't have her. I'm never second to any girl. You deserve a Grammy for that performance because I really thought you liked me."

"Ro I do but it's just the history with me and Ary. I really love that girl."

"That's good for you and her."

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

I laugh, "Okay."

"But you shouldn't be mad at Ary."

"I have every right to be mad at her. She knew I liked you, she knew how I felt, I considered her a friend. But for her not to be honest with me after I've asked is messed up. She could've been came out and told me what the deal was but she didn't. So don't tell me who I can and can't be mad."

"Come on Ro. You forgave me, forgive her."

"I have to go to class." I say getting up. "Later Ro."


Class doesn't start until another hour but I had no time being up in there. It's so crazy how people choose to only see shit their way. They don't look at it from my perspective. It's cool though I know what and how I feel. My instinct hasn't lead me wrong yet.

"Ro!"  I silently groan before turning around. It's Odell though. "What's up O?"

"Where you been at? I haven't seen you in a while."

"I was gone last week for a family emergency but I'm back now. What you been up too?"

"Shit really. Your friends pulled a number on a nigga." I laugh, "My friends? I don't associate myself with those people right now."

"Damn word?"


"I guess I can see why. You was feeling Aug right?"

"Yeah was, now not at all really."

"Big O!" A guy says walking up to Odell. "What's up Ro?" The guy says. How does he know my name? "What's up?" I say back. "Royalty." Katrina says sitting her arm around my shoulder. "Hey girl. Well good seeing you Odell. Bye um,"

"My name is D Mac." The guy says. "Bye D Mac." That doesn't even sound right rolling off my tongue. "See ya."

"Where you going Ro?" Katrina asks. "I have Stenson in like forty five minutes."

"Let's go to the student center and chill there."

"Sure." Hopefully that's secluded enough where I don't have to run into any one of my so called friends.

We walk inside and just what I hoped didn't happen, is happening. Aliyah is passing out flyers, Aryanna is sitting with August, and Toya all over some guy. What the hell. "Katrina did you set me up?" She looks around then laughs. "I swear I didn't know."

"What happen anyway?"

"It six of us well seven when the girl passing out the flyers came along. Ary and O were a couple,-"

"You and August." Katrina says. "Didn't go that far yet, and Toya then Darrien and ole girl right there... Basically for the past however long we've been at this school Ary and August were sneaking around."

"Girl sneaking around like that?"

"Hell it could've went that far only they know. All I know is pictures were posted of them being ridiculously close and a couple of them kissing."


"So apparently they've loved each other for forever but choose to get other people involved." I roll my eyes. Wasted time is way worse than wasted money. "That's messed up. She knew you liked him?"

"She knew everything and I even asked her if it was something between she swore up and down no."


"Just pathetic man. Then he has the nerve to tell me I can't be mad."

"What's up Ro?" Aliyah walks up smiling. "Hey Aliyah." I respond dryly. "So you're still coming to my party right?"


"Cool. You can come too. I'm Aliyah by the way." She says to Katrina. "Cool."

"Well see you ladies soon." Aliyah walks away.

"She seems off." Katrina says staring at Aliyah, "What you mean?" I ask biting a fry. "I can't call it yet but something seems so messy about her." I laugh, "She is messy. I can tell you that."

"I thought you had class?" I look up and see August. "I do." I respond back. He sighs walking away. I look over and see Ary looking at me. "What you wearing to the party?" Katrina asks. I turn to her, "Not sure yet."

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