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"This party is too lit" I say dancing on August.

"It is... you know this is like a dream come true seeing you with Odell was killing me" August says.

I smile "It feels so unreal".

"I tried to talk to Ro and see if we could just all sit down and get this straightened out but she ain't trying to hear it all" August says.

"I've decided I don't really care anymore I did my best to apologize on several occasion and she continue to just push me back so fuck it" I say.

"Yo you Aryanna?" Some guy comes up to me.

"Yeah who wants to know ?" I ask.

"I just seen Odell and Aaliyah leaving the party together might be able to see them if you walk quickly" The guy says.

I look at August he shrugs his shoulders. I start walking towards the door. I see them making out.

"Really Aaliyah?" I ask shocked.

"Sorry Ary but one women's trash is another's treasure" She says smirking. They hold hands and walk away leaving me looking dumbfounded. Odell look drunk as fuck.

"How could they do this?" I ask getting upset.

"Who cares?" August ask.

"She's my friend or was my friend she knew what he meant to me why would she even do that to me.".

"Why you mad for ? You not with him anymore " August says.

"It's fucking girl code August you don't do shit like that" I say.

August laughs " Seem mad over a dude that you don't want anymore... see I ain't with the games Aryanna you better get your mind right" He says going back inside.

I think I've seen enough for tonight. I start heading back to my dorm. I'm starting to get hungry I decided on just ordering take out. Getting to my dorm I just lay down on the bed , everything that just went down continues to replay in my head. We went from being all happy dancing together to this.

I check my phone and see August sent a whole bunch of message. I know I probably shouldn't haven't blew up like that but I couldn't help the emotions.

I let out a sigh. There's a knock at my door hopefully it's the food.

"Hello" I say opening the door. The reliever guy hands me my food , I give him a five dollar tip then close the door.

I start digging into the Chinese food. There's another knock at the door for sure this might be August I brace myself for all the curse words he's about to throw at me.

I open the door and I was right it is August. He walks in without being invited. Closing the door behind him I nervously watch him as he pace the room. He walks over I my food and eat some. I don't know if I should speak first or just let him.

I sit down on the bed patiently waiting for him to say something , say anything at this point. The tension is so thick you could it with a knife.

"August..." I begin say he just puts his hand up stopping me dead in my tracks.

"You know I really though shit was going to go good for us , but I don't know what type of games you fucking playing Aryanna..." He says then start pacing again.

"How you tell me you love me and shit then fucking get mad over that nigga?"He ask.

"I wasn't mad that he did it , I was more so mad with who he did it. I know this probably sounds stupid but I loved that man at one point and I still do kind of have feeling with him that shit doesn't just fade away August... I love you though and I realize you're who I want to be with" I say.

"I just don't believe that shit , like I fucking suffered enough from this little game you been playing. I know at first I was too stupid to see how fucking amazing you are but now I notice it and I'm still getting shit on so fuck it Aryana when you fucking ready to be done with that nigga hit me up I might still want you" He says then walk it my dorm slamming the door shut.

"Wow." Is all I manage to say. I get up and throw the rest off my food away. I've loss my appetite. And I think I've lost my best friend forever. I think it's just best for me to focus on Aryanna for a while and live my life college is almost over all I want to do is graduate and get away from here, start over fresh.

I believe whatever is meant to be will be. August and I are the best of friends and make a great couple but I still haven't gotten over Odell. I love them both and wish them both the best. But from now on it's all about Aryanna if it doesn't make me happy I don't want it. And I don't have to explain shit to anyone.

Once I graduate next semester I can say goodbye LSU and hello to a fresh start. Looking around my dorm and the picture I've took of the time I been here beside the drama we've had some great times. Life goes on.

The end 🌸.

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