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It's the middle of the party and things seems to be going okay minus whatever that was earlier. "Ayo Royalty."

"You're popular." Katrina says laughing. I laugh and look in the direction my name was being called.  It's Mook. "Hey Mookie! I've missed you." I hug him. Mook was on the dance squad until he got hurt mid season. This man can dance his ass off. "I've missed you too baby! What you been up too?"

"Not much really. What about you?"

"You know just slaying on the daily." I laugh, "As usual."

"Listen were running a dance camp this summer and I NEED you there."

"Here?" I ask.

"Yeah it's from June to the July. You'll get paid, a place to stay, everything would be taken care off. All I need you to do is say yes."

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course love. Call me and let me know."

"Okay I will."

"That sounds fun." Katrina says. "Being stuck at LSU for the summer?"

"The dance camp." She laughs. "It does and I really love doing it. Maybe I could stay for the summer. My parent won't be too thrilled."

"They'll be happy for you. Let's dance! This my song!"


"Owee." I laugh taking down a shot. "Oh my gosh that was too strong for me."

"Ro what are you doing?" I peek back and it's August. "Minding mine, you?" He groans, "I thought we were good. Why you acting like that?"

"I thought a lot of things so let's not go there and I only answered your question. What's up? What do you want?"

"Can we clear whatever this is up with everybody?"

"Everybody?" I question. "Yeah it would be great if we could all get everything out of the way and back as acting like one crew again."

"I'm good on that actually."

"Ro really."

"Yeah really bye."

I look around for Katrina but she's no where to be found. I'm kinda over this party and I'm ready to go. After walking around the party I don't see her anywhere. I walk out the door of the building. "What's up girl?"

I jump as the hands come around my waist. "Scared you?" I glance back and mug Zaire. "Just a little." I say turning around to hug him. "My bad." He smirks. "What you going here? College parties don't look like your thing."

"I came through to check in with one of my homies. We ain't linked up in a minute." He says as if he's searching. "Oh cool."

"Once I handle this we should hang. I got a great spot we can hit up."

"Actually I'm tired. I'll take a rain check on that though."

"Alright Ro. Ima hold you to that."

I smile, "Later Zaire."

I continue walking through the party and I finally see Katrina standing in a corner talking to some guy. She spots me and walks my way. "Girl he talking my head off." I laugh, "I think Ima head back to the dorms."

"You sure?" She asks. "Yeah I'll see you later on."

I walk out the building and head over to the dorm. "Why are you walking this area at this time of night?"

"I rode with Katrina. She's still partying. I'm fine with walking Darrien."

"Need a walking buddy?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm a big girl Darrien. No one is going to get me."

"Alright but Ima walk with just to make sure of that."

"If you say so."

We walk further down the road in silence until Darrien starts talking. "So what's up with the crew? You're really not talking to any of them?" He asks.

"There isn't a crew right now and yes I'm really not. Hey and bye is it barely. August has tried talking to me but it's like I'm good. You of all people know how I am."

"Yeah you right and I do. You can be so stubborn and set in your ways. You can't be mad at them for forever though."

"Says who?" I ask.

"Royalty, really?"

We get back on campus and decide to stop by the cafe. I'm surprised it's still open. We talk about everything under the sun including our plans for this summer.

"So you think I should take it or nah?" I ask about the dance camp. "You should definitely go for it Ro. You're real good at it so I think you'd be excellent at it. Forreal."

"I think I will."

"I'll probably be here too. My professor is working on a new program for the high schoolers. Just a way to get more students to consider history as a major. She made me the lead on it."

"Really? That's cool. You've always wanted to do something dealing with teens. It sounds like the perfect opportunity for you."

"Right. Hopefully it all goes well."


We walk to the dorms and I'm about to do something I'd never thought about doing at all and invite Darrien to my room . "Do you want to come in... watch a movie or something?" I ask. "Uh, yeah.. that'll be coool. I got a website for new movies too."

"Cool. Come on."

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