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"Morning handsome" I say cuddling up to him.

"Mm morning baby" He says kissing my forehead.

"I don't want you to go today baby" I whine and pout.

"I know baby girl but I got too I promise I'll call you everyday and text you FaceTime all that shit... These few months will be over before you know it" Odell says.

"Baby three months is far as fuck" I say.

"You got this baby you strong as fuck".

The times flies by and Odell has to be at the airport in the next hour. I get dress and get ready to take him to the airport.

"Okay baby rules 1. Don't try me and talk to these little popcorn hoes rule number two you can't be partying late as fuck and rule 3. We have to talk at least every other night" I say sternly.

Odell laughs "Love this aggressive side of you but I got you baby girl my eyes only on you".

"Better be Odell" I say.

"Now I'm Odell ?" He ask chuckling.

"Yeah Odell cause I'm serious about this , I did not spend three years with you for you to make a fucking fool of me".

"You wearing that ring for a reason baby girl I'll tell the world I love you" Odell says.

"Ugh you're so cute go in inside before that line gets full as fuck" I say.

Odell kisses me like it's the last time were going to see each other. Kisses like these make me want him just to stay here.

"Maybe you can just stay baby cause I'm going to miss these kisses" I say.

He pulls me into a hug kissing the side of my neck. "I'm sorry baby girl I got to go but I love you so much" He says.

Getting back to the dorm I decide to go get a smoothie. "Can I get the green juice please" I say.

"Hey Ary" I feel a pair of hands go around my waist.

Looking back I see August. I smile at him. "Well hey there stranger".

"I ain't been no stranger baby just been giving you space".

"Hmm cool , I don't have much to do want to come back to my dorm we can chill and watch a movie like old times".

"I don't know about that , how would your boyfriend feel?" August ask being petty.

"He knows that we're just friends ain't shit going to happen" I say.

We get back to my dorm after getting some chipotle thankfully there's one on campus. I make a mental note to join some type of club maybe debate team or just join sga.

"How's college life treating you?" I ask August as we enter the dorm.

"Man I'm just trying to survive to be honest, taking 5 classes is a killer" he groans.

I laugh, "I know but one more year of this then we done".

"How about you passing your classes so far?".

"Yeah struggling to keep A's in all of them is the problem I know after my Spanish test tomorrow I'll for sure have a B in that class".

"Nah you mad smart Ary always been smart I think you got this" August says.

"Thanks" I say smiling. "Any new female friends?".

"Not really I been getting closer to Ro it might be time to make her my little baby" he says smirking.

I don't know where this urge of jealous came from but it hit me. I mentally roll my eyes.

"What?" August ask.

"Nothing what I do?".

"Ary I know you better than that just cause we ain't cool like that anymore don't mean I forgot anything about you like the way you start to blush when I call you baby girl" August says.

I try my best not to blush I start thinking about Odell which remind me to text him.

"Hmm had to text your fiancé huh?".

"We aren't engaged it's just a promise ring to be faithful and that we got a strong ass bond".

"You really think ole boy going to be faithful with all type of baddies practically giving it up to him, he ain't got to spit game or nothing" August says.

"Well he isn't that type of person August some people take relationships serious" I say giving him a evil glare.

He chuckles, "I would have been faithful to you Aryanna but you went and pick Mr.NFL star over me but it's cool...."

August gets up and leans in really close to my face. "I know you don't forget the way we kissed , I'll never forget the soft feel of your lips, like real shit Aryanna you broke a nigga heart that night..." He pause then start pacing the room.

"I was shocked as fuck , I really thought you'd pick me and make my dreams come true. I had feelings for you for the longest I don't know why I never acted on them... But that's all over ain't it ? I got my new lil baby Ro and that one there a keeper" He says.

It's like he's say her name to make me jealous and I'd be lying if I said it didn't work. "I'm happy for you she's a really nice girl, you two would make a great couple" I say smiling.

"Thanks Ary you invited to our big ass wedding when it happens".

I laugh, "Thanks for the invite you're invited to mines as well".

After we finish watching The Pure:Election Day, August hugs me good night and leaves. I decided to face time Odell for a few minutes before I knock out.

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