1- Memories

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"Wake u-u-u-u-u-p!"

An annoyingly familiar voice shouted in your ear. Ignorance is bliss, you thought to yourself, snuggling deeper into your warm bed. Your attempt at ignorance was to no avail, because a moment later the covers were pulled off of you. You squealed a little at the cold air suddenly making contact with your skin. Your tired eyes jumped open.

"S-Shut up!" you cried, sitting up fast.

"Bro, what? I pulled off your covers, I didn't even say anyth-"

"Huh? Hajime..?" you murmured under your breath, violently kicking your noisy brother away from your bed. He groaned in pain and clutched his gut before saying in a strained voice, "Wake up already."

"I'm awake, if you can't already tell," you retorted tiredly, staring up at his ruffled hair and freckled cheeks. "Why'd you have to wake me up so early? What time is it?"

You stretched your legs and got out of bed, beginning to brush your hair. Your annoyingly immature 16 year old brother shiftily drifted his gaze away from you, making you narrow your eyes in suspicion.

"Uhmm... ten..."

"Ten?!" you gasped, eyes wide. You opened your mouth to freak out more, then stopped yourself.

Okay. No. He's kinda dumb, maybe he doesn't mean it like that.

"Ten what, exactly?" you smiled. "Ten to 8? Ten past 7?"

Hajime scratched the back of his head sheepishly, avoiding your gaze entirely as he mumbled, "Uhh... ten... like, AM... on the clock... I guess?"

He began slowly edging towards the door as if you wouldn't notice. You looked towards your bedside table only to see your alarm was missing. For a second you wondered if you'd knocked it off in your sleep, but this whole situation was way too suspicious.

"So. Care to explain, darling brother?" you smiled sweetly, standing up and taking a step towards him in one smooth motion. You were late. Reeeally late. You'd promised your aunt and cousin that you would do your best to attend school properly this year... and being late on the first day? Not the  best start.

"Ah. Um. Uhhh... Okay yeah I'm not doing this right now, later gater!"

He sped out the door at full speed, almost tripping in the process. He slammed the door behind you, and you just stood there in shock.

"H... Hajime!" you shouted, running after him. You spotted him in the kitchen downstairs, rummaging through the draws in search of a weapon. You hauled yourself over the banister of the stairs with a "hup!" and slid down, tackling him with all your might.

"What in the hell did you do with my alarm, you little crotch demon?!" you demanded through clenched teeth as you pulled him into a chokehold. Hajime glared up at you in defiant anger for a few moments, then seemed to remember that you were the one who was supposed to be mad and he waved a hand flippantly.

"It fell and stuff. And I uhhhhh, maybe stepped on it possibly."

You frowned and released him from his chokehold, standing up and dusting yourself off.

"Aaaaand I kinda forgot to wake you up earlier. Oopsie daisie! But I made you lunch, so that was pretty cool of me... am I right or am I right? Hahaaaha. Love you sis," he quickly sped behind the kitchen counter so you couldn't hit him.

"You better have made me a good lunch," you muttered after a moment of pause, hopping off the ground with a huff. "I'll be late, and I hate you, but okay. Thanks for making me food, cretin," you smiled, trying to stay in your best spirits around him. He was fragile as it is, he didn't need you getting genuinely mad at him over a stupid alarm clock.

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