7- Watermelon

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You stretched, letting out a content sigh. You had finally finished Rangiku's paperwork... that is, the paperwork on her desk. You couldn't bring yourself to check for any hiding places. You were exhausted. It had been, what, seven hours? You sighed at the realisation. Plus, you were starving hungry.

You rubbed your eyes tiredly, and stood up. At some point you ended up doing the work while hanging over the edge of the couch, so you felt a little dizzy when you stood up.

"Taichou, I'm done..." you moaned tiredly, rubbing the back of your neck. No response. "Taichou?"

Your silver-haired Captain was fast asleep at his desk. You gaped a little at the sight, and stared at him, not knowing what to do. He looked so... peaceful. You just watched as his shoulders rose and fell, and decided to grab him a blanket. You ran over to the cupboard, grabbing one, then tiptoed back to him.

You stood behind him, and put the blanket over him. With a yawn, you decided to leave before he woke up. You opened the door, and-


You uttered an exasperated sigh, and turned around slowly.

"Did you finish?" he asked tiredly. You nodded.


He stood up, the blanket falling off him and onto the ground. He whipped his head around, confused, then picked it up.

"What's this doing here?" he asked, just as you were about to walk out to avoid the embarrassment.

"Oh... I... put it on you while you were sleeping, in case you were cold. S-Sorry, Taichou you just..." you trailed off, lifting your head. His cheeks were dusted slightly with pink, to your surprise. He nodded slowly.

"Okay." he said, looking up at you. You felt like you were going to melt if he gazed at you any longer.

"Bye!" you let out quickly, shutting the door before he could say anything

Taking a deep breath, you stood outside the door, muttering about blankets. Suddenly, your stomach growled, and you collided with the door.

"O-Ow..." you murmured, rubbing your head angrily.

"L/N?" you heard a voice call from inside the office. You covered your mouth anxiously and leaned up against the door, hoping that he would forget about it.

"L/N." he repeated, and you heard footsteps getting closer. The door opened, and you hit the floor with a slam.

"T-Taichou!" you whined, cradling your arm sorrowfully. You looked up at him. It felt strange to have your short Captain stare at you from above.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"That hurt..." you murmured, dodging the question. He stared blankly.

"What are you doing, (L/N)?" he repeated sternly.

"Uhm... I was just daydreaming, and..."

You fumbled awkwardly with your human clothes, too embarrassed to admit that you had been scared by your own stomach.

"And?" he hummed, waiting patiently.

"M-My stomach grumbled..." you began quietly.

You waited to see if he would say anything, but he didn't. You looked up at him, and realised he was staring at you, amused.

"It made me jump and hit my head," you blurt out, deciding to get it over and done with. You glanced away, mortified.

"Oh?" he said, smiling softly. You huff, and stand up.

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