19- A box of chocolates

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As soon as you stepped into the office, you tripped over a stack of papers. They flew everywhere, like unsigned paper rain, and you screamed as you fell to the floor and hit your chin. A frazzled Toshiro held out an outstretched hand, looking marginally embarrassed. You ignored his held out hand, and stood up, brushing yourself off.

"What in the world happened?!" you exclaimed, your mouth dropping open as you stared at piles upon piles of paperwork. "I swear to God I finished most of the work when Ran-Ran and I were here..."

Toshiro pinched the bridge of his nose angrily, probably recalling a painful memory.


"Ah," you murmured, nodding wistfully. He seemed to become even more frustrated at the fact that you weren't even surprised. He stomped over to his desk (which made you snigger), grabbed a green bag, and shoved it into your hands. You stared at it uselessly.

"What's this?"

"From Matsumoto. Don't ask me what it is, because I don't know."

You peered at it, then untied it numbly. You were greeted by...

"A box of chocolates?"

A plain-looking purple box laid in your hands. Gold, curly writing simply read 'Chocolate Box', making you raise an eyebrow. You practically jumped onto the couch and took out your pen, already chewing on one of the chocolates. It was undeniably delicious. It had a strange flavour that you liked for some reason. You zoomed through several pages of paperwork, eating more and more of the chocolates.

"Want one?" you asked, your mouth full.





You kicked a pile of paperwork over. Your Captain, slightly amused, shook his head at the mess you were making.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask it? Besides, clean that all-"

"Excuse me, pucking fapers, why the fuck are you just SITTING IN MY WAY PAPERS?! YOU HURT ME, THANK-YOU VERY MUCH! ANSWER ME, YOU SKANKS! USELESS FUCKING PAPERS!" you shouted at the pile of spread out paper. You held out your leg to kick it, but someone quickly pulled you aside.

"What the hell are you doing?! Clean up that mess, n-"

"Iamsosickofyourfuckingshitpaperpeople," you said, your words tumbling from your mouth in a rush of barely distinguishable syllables. The boy's eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head momentarily in confusion as he witnessed your violence.

"Calm down...?"

"Oh, I get it! You're like my saviour! Hi there."

"Are you... are you...? Don't tell me Matsumoto has dragged you into her Sake addiction..."

You pouted at your saviour angrily.

"I'm not drunk how dare you I haven't drunk! I'm not drunk, no alcohol here."

You pouted and grabbed his arm. He rubbed his forehead in exasperation.

"You're drunk."

For some reason, those words offended you more than anything that had ever been said to you in your life.

Your eyes watered and your bottom lip trembled as the words repeated in your mind.

"B-But..." you sniffed pathetically as tears threatened to rush down your face.

He made no move to comfort you as he checked the time, then crossed his arms angrily. He shook his head as he put the lid back onto his ink well. He frowned as his eyes met with an empty box of chocolates.

Matsumoto must have given her alcoholic chocolates...

He then turned back to you, and his jaw practically dropped to the floor. There you were, sitting on the floor and staring into the distance. What's more, you had apparently attempted to rid yourself of your clothing, then gave up half-way. Your Shihakusho rested around your shoulders, and both your socks and shoes were gone. His face flushed as he surveyed you.

"Uh- what are you...? I- You- Forget it."

The boy stepped towards you with a newfound annoyance, tentatively lifted your Shihakusho back over your shoulders, then picked you up awkwardly. You rubbed your eyes tiredly, and giggled a little as he lifted you cautiously into his arms. You snuggled into him happily, then stared up to his face. You then gasped in surprise and wonder.

"Minty?! You were my favourite teddy! Where'd you go?"

'Minty' stared down at you with an incredulous look on his face.


"Minty, I..."

You cut yourself off with a sob.

"Don't tell Toshiro."

He froze.

"...Tell Toshiro what?"

"That I do."

"Do what?"

"Do love him. You're the only one I can tell, Minty!"

"...Who am I?"

"Minty, duh!"

You sniffled pathetically as you were transported outside. 

"I'm only confiding my deepest darkest secrets because I know you would never tell anyone... cause you're a teddy."

You ignored his confusion as you continued.

"I said I loved a person, when I didn't. He thinks I don't. But I do. Because it was in the moment. But yeah! I stupidly kissed a stupid person who wants to forget the stupid kiss. He has a stupid face, and a stupid personality, and a stupid sense of priorities, and a stupid everything. Now, replace all of those things with 'perfect'. It's interchangeable. It drives me crazy, damn it! Stupid perfect asshole! Like I said, interchangeable!"

All was silent as you were brought up some stairs. Not that you could tell in your current state of mind.

"I don't want this necklace on me. It's h-e-a-v-y. Heavy. Can I give it to a homeless person or something?" you complained, pouting.


The next thing you knew, you were being laid into a futon.  You frowned, staring at the ceiling. Your face morphed into a grin all of a sudden

"Minty! Guess what time it is? Time for pillow talk!"

You smiled like a fool at the prospect.

"...Who am I?" he asked cautiously.

"Minty?" you answered, eyebrows raised. You frowned, confused.

"Then... then... what do you want to talk about?" he questioned.

"Ehh... nothing?" you answered, shrugging. 

"Then sleep," he demanded.

You pouted, but relented easily.


You rubbed your eyes tiredly, shifting in your bed. 'Minty' laid on a chair, arms crossed as he stared at you, looking stern. You studied him carefully. 

"Are you Toshiro's twin?"



A sigh escaped your mouth as you drifted slowly to sleep.


I'm not too happy with this chapter but yeah :P Remember to vote~
By the way, if you still didn't figure it out, 'Minty/Your saviour' is Toshiro. Hopefully the way I've laid this chapter out isn't too confusing :)

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