16- The password knock

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You walked inside your home, and found yourself boiling hot. A groan escaped from your mouth, and you ran at full speed towards the AC. You found the cool air refreshing as it blew on your soaking wet clothes, but you didn't like the feeling of gross, wet cloth sticking to your skin, so you stepped into your bedroom. You groaned once again as you remembered that your baskets of clothing and food were dumped somewhere in a street. 

"That kimono was really nice," you murmured to yourself wistfully. A knock on the door snapped you back into reality, and you put your hand over the doorknob, but stopped yourself. You opened the curtain, trying to be sneaky, but your eyes immediately met with Renjis. You huffed grumpily.

"What brings you here?" you shouted, without opening the door.


"That's deep."

"No, I actually just followed you."

"Oh. Okay, go home."

"Let me in. I told you I was gonna steal your food while you... read, or whatever."

"You must knock the password knock," you said dramatically.

"Password knock? Since when was that a thing?"

"Since now."

"I don't know it, dumbass."

"Aw, c'mon..."

To your surprise, he began to jiggle the doorknob loudly and annoyingly.

"In the words of Elsa... let it go!" you exclaimed, pouting.




"Sorry, I forgot you don't know any of these references."

"I don't give a shit. Let me in."

"I take that sorry back."

"You can't do that."

"Says who?"

"Says everyone."

"Well, everyone can go to hell."

You opened the door reluctantly, and stomped on his foot. He cursed, hopping up and down as a string of threats came out of his mouth.

"No, really, why are you here? Is this another shining example of how much you care about me?"

Renji shot you a grin.

"If I say yes, will you believe me?"


"Then no."

You laughed, shaking your head.

"You bring any food? I'm starving..."

Renji threw a bag at you, and you jumped to catch it.

"Oi! Don't throw things at me!"

He shrugged, a smirk on his face. You longed to wipe it right off, but for now, just opened the bag. It had some clothing inside, as well as a bunch of different foods.

"Icecream!" you squealed, pulling out the three cartons of it.

"Want some?" you asked Renji, grabbing two spoons.

"It's my icecream, doofus. Of course I do. Which flavour you want?"

"You can't seriously expect me to choose just one, Renji. I thought you knew me better than that," you chided him, opening all three containers. You readied your spoon, and alternated eating from each one.

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