18- Mmm... Dango...

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"The next time you say something about my eyebrows, I will personally ensure you are dumped into a lake."

"You lost me at 'the'."

"That was the start of the sentence, idiot."

"Your point?"

You laughed, jabbing Renji in the stomach. He jabbed you back without missing a beat, and you dodged it.

"Ha! Getting rusty, Ren-Ren?" you asked him smugly, sticking your tongue out.

"You wish! It was just luck."

"Ohh, really~? So I got lucky three times in a row?"

"You got lucky only twi-"

You cut him off by jabbing him once again. He swore loudly. You danced around, happy to have bested your ex-mentor-training-guy (you refused to give him a cool sounding title).

Toshiro watched the exchange between you and Renji. His eyebrows furrowed as he searched both of your eyes warily. Finally, an imaginary light bulb lit up and he frowned, pulling you aside.

"Are you and Renji...?"

"Why? Are you jealous of our totally super amazing wonderful perfect beautiful bond?"

Surely even Toshiro is capable of picking up on sarcasm...


You rolled your eyes and flashed him a grin, skipping back over to your pineapple-headed pal.

"Renji, take me for breakfast."

"What? No."

"Come ooooonnnn~!"

You clung onto his arm for dear life, and he attempted to shake you off.

"...Fine! Just stop begging me."

"I didn't beg you."

"You beg me with your eyes. By the way, I'm not paying."

"I have no money, stupid Ren-Ren."

"Yeah, well, too bad, stupid (N/N)."

(A/N: (N/N) means your nickname, for those who don't know.)

"Don't copy me!"

"I didn't."

"You did toooo!"

"Pfft. Whatever. What do you want?"


"For breakfast?!?!"


You spun around in a circle, your mouth watering as you thought of all the dango you were soon going to ingest.

"Toshy toshy~!" you sung, turning to your Captain. Renji gaped at you, then pulled you away immediately.

"I-I apologise, Hitsugaya Taichou! (L/N) here is-"

"Come for breakfast! Renji's treating us!"

Renji furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and you watched him curiously. Suddenly something clicked.

"I am not treating tha-"

He froze.

"Y-Yeah... uh... my... treat..."

You pouted, shaking Renji off you and bounding over to Toshiro. He looked indifferent as you clung onto him and rested your chest on his shoulder, but if you looked very closely, you could see a slight redness on the top of his ears.

Ice Cold ~ Toshiro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now