6- Paperwork. It's good stuff.

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"M-Mummy! Daddy!" a girl cried out, tears rushing down her cheeks. Her parents lay in front of her, blood flowing out of their wounds.
"Don't leave us!" she whispered. "DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE US!"
Her mother looked up at her with all the strength she could gather.
"F-Forgive me, Y/N... I'm so proud of you, my beautiful girl. Please, live on... I'll be watching over you."

Breathing heavily, you woke up from your not-so-peaceful slumber. Your eyes slid open, and you brought your hand up to your cheeks.


You sat there, trying to recall your dream. A look of confusion came over your face as you wracked your brain, but nothing came to you. With a yawn, you stood up, and stared out the window. Birds sung to each-other, making you smile to yourself. You closed your eyes for a moment or two, just listening as the sun came up. Eventually, you walked into the kitchen and gnawed into a peach, as well as some sort of spicy crackers. You were starving- you hadn't eaten lunch or dinner the day before- but you had basically nothing in the cupboard. That was understandable, though, because you couldn't expect an empty building to be loaded with food, especially since you came on such short notice.

Rubbing your tired eyes, you slid on a pair of sandals that were laying by the door. You had looked through the cupboards, but you couldn't see any clothing.

Lots of things I have to ask for, huh? I wonder where the shops are in the Seireitei.

You yawned again.

Why was I asleep on the couch, anyway?

You thought for a second, suddenly remembering. Your face heat up. You weren't usually one to show sadness near others. It was embarrassing. So very embarrassing.

With a sigh, you stepped out the door, the socks and sandals feeling strange. You slammed the door behind you, and jumped down the two steps.

Oh, yeah... where do I go now?

You looked up, noticing a building... practically right in front of you. You shrugged and walked into it, forgetting any doubts.

"Oi! Give me back my sword!" growled a man with a moustache.

"It's mine, you idiot. Besides, it's not a sword, it's a zanpakuto, degrading dumbass!" retorted a blond man with glasses.

"Go to hell!"

You stared at the two bickering squad members, deeply interested by their conversation.

"Hmm... I agree with glasses-guy," you affirmed, and they turned to look at you.

"Who the hell are you?" asked the man with the moustache.

"Y/N L/N, 3rd seat of this division..." you answered grumpily, taking advantage of your 'rank'.

"S-Sorry for the disturbance!" they both shouted, bowing respectfully. You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

"Disturbance? Oh, right. You there, what's your name?" you asked, pointing to the blond guy.

"U-Uh... Sato Asahi, and this is Watanabe Haruto, ma'am!" he answered diligently. You nodded, feeling strangely in control.

"Asahi, Haruto, please be aware of your surroundings next time. Now, could you please direct me towards Hitsugaya Taichou's office?" you asked, vivaciously smiling at him.

"Yes, ma'am! One question though..."


"Why have we not seen you before now?"

You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.

"Actually, I started yesterday," you told him, slightly embarrassed.

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