3- Wha-

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You looked around breathlessly, barely believing your eyes. You were in the 'soul society'.

"So you're not just some cultist. It's a real place," you blurted out, eyes wide.

The buildings are so old fashioned, too.

A white tower caught your eye, and you admired it silently.

"A real place? Nooo, not at all..." the captain muttered under his breath. His voice made you suddenly remember you were still over his shoulder.

"Excuse me, err... Hitsugaya Taichou?" you murmured nervously, fidgeting ever so slightly. You made sure to use his proper title. His voice was sort of scary, which you somehow only just realised.

He paused mid-step, then continued walking just as fast.

"What is it?" he asked reluctantly, clearly focusing on his quick steps toward wherever he was taking you.

"Could you put me down, please?" you requested with a scowl. He hesitated a little. His shoulders rose and fell as he breathed, calming you slightly in all the confusion.

"I understand the reason for your request, but I'm going to have to refuse. Head Taichou Yamamoto has forbidden I let you out of my sight," he informed you. You sighed.

"I get it... but do you really think I would run away? Where would I even go? Some people here are pretty crazy looking," you observed, eying a redhead with tattooed-on eyebrows.

"Besides, I haven't seen you yet even though you um... rescued slash kidnapped me. That's not very fair, you know. You've seen me," you added, knowing it was crappy reasoning. It's not like you had any other way to convince him, though.

This time, he totally ignored you as if you weren't even worth answering. You craned your neck so as to at least see what he was wearing. Confused, you blurt out, 'Are you wearing a dress?', but regret immediately followed. Panicking slightly, you tried to find a better way to rephrase your question but failed miserably.

"S-Sorry, it just slipped out or something?" you stammered, wincing in preparation for anger.

"No." he answered shortly and clearly. He seemed annoyed, but remained his composure nonetheless for which you were grateful.

"Any more questions?" he queried, exasperated.

"Yes, sir." you piped up. "I-"

"As I said, they will be answered upon arrival to the captains meeting," he interjected.

"Wow. Just wow. Why even ask me that if you're not gonna answer..."

You sighed and stared at the floor. This made you suddenly painfully aware of the fact that you were being carried over someone's shoulder. You could practically feel the stares you got, which irked you to no end.

"Maybe she's a criminal..." somebody murmured. "Is she dead?"
 As you went by, you lifted your head abruptly, making them jump. You stuck out your tongue confidently, happy to see that they looked embarrassed.

"Hey, is- Ow!" you whined. "What was that for?!" you complained, rubbing your head angrily. He'd bumped you into a wall while turning a corner.

"What?" he inquired, sounding confused. You bit your tongue.

"Nothing," you groaned finally. You weren't sure whether he did it to shut you up or not, but it didn't matter anyway. You tried to ask him once again.

"Is that where you're taking me? The building over there?" you asked curiously, eyeing a fairly large building.

"Where the hell is 'over there?' supposed to be?" he asked, annoyed yet again. Or maybe he was annoyed the whole time. Either way, you didn't like it.

Ice Cold ~ Toshiro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now