14- Friends

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Toshiro stared at the door, not even sure how to feel. He turned tentatively to his lieutenant, who was just staring at him blankly.


She continued her staring, making Toshiro feel like he was being X-Rayed. The pair just stood there in silence.

"Matsumoto, what...?" he repeated, even though he knew full what she was staring at him for. Her blank facial expression turned to anger and disbelief.

"What was that?" she snapped, staring him down.

"What? Spit it out, Matsumoto." 

"Don't play stupid!"

"I'm your Captain, treat me with respect!"

Rangiku continue to glare at him, and he fidgeted uncomfortably.

"You made a girl cry. She just played a prank, is that really so bad? I can't believe you would say those... those things! You're awful!"

"I-I did not! It's her own fault for crying for no reason and not letting me apologise, nothing to do with me. Also, the utter disrespect-"

"You were going to apologise? Then why didn't you go after her?"

"It's not like it would help anything, Matsumoto."

"She really liked you, Taichou. Apologise to her!"

"I-I... I know!"

Rangiku sighed, opening her mouth to say something.

"I know she... l-liked me. It's clear that she doesn't anymore, and so there's no point in trying to win her over. It's not my problem."

His gaze drifted back to the door for a split second, but he turned away. Instead, he stood rigid and stared defiantly back at Rangiku.

Her eyes bulged, and her mouth popped open. The glare was gone, and in its place was a look of pure shock. She peered forward, squinting as she thought. A smile crept up onto her face- and not the good kind. It was the kind of smile a child would make when they stole a cookie from the cookie jar. 

"I didn't tell you to win her over. I told you to apologise. Is there a possibility you may like her?" she asked mischievously.

"No. I don't have time for that sort of thing, Matsumoto. You know that."

Rangiku looked to the door, shot him one last glare, and walked out after you.

You felt tears prick at your eyes as you circled behind the building. You knew that there was no possibility that he was going to come after you, so you didn't even bother running away. You kneeled down, leaning against the wall.

I'm pathetic. Why am I crying? Why do I feel so vulnerable? And why the hell did I say that? I... I may like him, but... love?

At this point, you didn't care that you were letting your reiatsu pour out. You didn't care who was currently trying to crawl away as they were crushed by the power leaking from you, and you didn't care who was shivering in cold. You didn't care that people were on their way over to you, trying to find out what the disturbance was. You didn't care. You crawled over to a tree, and leaned against it, panting.

Toshiro glanced out the window, and he abruptly stood up as your figure came into view. He watched as rain pelted down, soaking you. He smushed his face against the window for a better look. You would probably laugh at the sight.

(L/N)... but why is she sitting out in the rain alone? Where's Matsumoto...?

Then a feeling came over him.

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