20- You have some explaining to do, mister.

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"G-Gomenasai, (Y/N).. I'm so proud of you, my beautiful girl. Please, live on... I'll be watching over you."
"No! No! Please, you can't do this... not today... today was meant to be happy! It's all my fault... please! No!"

"Wake up."

You let out a wary moan, feeling sicker than ever. You ignored the voice, sniffing and curling up more in your futon.

"I have many ways to wake you up," the voice began simply. It sounded harmless enough, but there was an underlying threat in those words. 
"I could pour freezing cold water on you. Or even just grab you and throw you outside. Or I c-can... yeah."

You opened your eyes reluctantly, not that it really made much of a difference with them open.


Your head pounded as you tried to figure out who was currently a few inches away from your face, giving you a scrutinising look. Your blurry vision didn't help, so you said the only thing you could manage at the time in your dizzy, tired state.

"Get out of my face!"

You then quickly came to your senses as you realised something.

This is not my home There's a person here. I can't remember anything... was I DRUGGED?!

You screamed, grabbing a blanket from beside you. You threw it at the intruder. The blanket covered him, temporarily blinding him and giving you an advantage. You lunged at him, and he toppled over and straight onto the ground. You then jumped onto him, holding down the blanket edges with your body. You could hear muffled shouts, and released your grip a tiny bit (if at all). You then stood up for a second, and as the figure attempted to get up, you used all your body weight to cannon ball onto their stomach. All struggling ceased, and you couldn't help but wonder if he had passed out. Your head whipped up as you heard the door slamming open. 

Rangiku came in, her Zanpakuto in her hands.

"What the-"

"I heard screams," another man with black hair shouted.

You watched Rangiku's eyes darting frantically around the room. They then landed on you and the intruder. Her mind was still processing what was happening. She stared at the pair of you, unblinking.

"Get me out of here!" Toshiro's voice sounded out, muffled from being underneath the blanket. There was a short pause, during which you stood completely still like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I was... uh... he... Taichou? I..."

"T-Taichou...? She... she did that? To you?" Rangiku questioned, staring in disbelief. The man that ran in from earlier grunted and walked out, muttering about 'not getting to see any action'. You stayed silent, before clapping your hands over your mouth.

"Oh my God!"

You quickly jumped off your Captain, pulling the blanket off him in horror. You swallowed as he stood up and opened his mouth.

"I am so sorry, I... um... did you know that 1 + 1 equals window?" you asked quickly, panicking slightly. 

Both Toshiro and Rangiku stared at you momentarily, before Toshiro opened his mouth again, his furious look reappearing.

"I can't believe-"

"It's not butter?" you blurted out, interrupting him. Rangiku immediately doubled over laughing without missing a beat, wheras your Captain didn't even flinch. In fact, your stupid moment seemed to make him even madder, which you realised when he took a few deep breaths through his nose to calm himself.

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