10- Zanpakuto?!

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Toshiro tapped his pen rapidly as he stared down blankly at his paperwork. As usual, a frown was plastered on his face. However, he was was completely and utterly lost in thought for once in his life.  He usually wouldn't let himself lose focus on the tasks ahead, but he couldn't help but daze off. He ran his fingers through his white hair absentmindedly, and let his mind wander.

He thought about many things- watermelon, his lieutenant, his childhood, guitars, his old Captain, butterflies, ice-cream, his Zanpakuto, carpet, comfortable futons, apples, Ichimaru Gin, drums, and... well...

How has L/N already adapted so fast? She's been completing her paperwork diligently, though she has only just been introduced to this world of spirits and Shinigami. She's completely comfortable around me and in her new home. She's even done Matsumoto's paperwork... Matsumoto's... paperwork... paperwork? Paperwork!

He snapped back into reality, and almost slapped himself at the thought that he was slacking off. He gaped at his sheet of paperwork, which was covered in dots of ink that he had added while he was thinking. He mentally cursed his quill, and tried to dab off the ink in the hopes that it was still wet, which was to little or no avail. He frowned even more than usual, if that was even possible, and stood up abruptly. He mentally noted to himself that he would need to replace that certain sheet, and set it aside, before grabbing his second watermelon.
The watermelons he bought from the market were quite small, but sweet, and had almost no seeds. He stared at it ruefully for a few seconds, then stabbed into it with his trusty knife, almost sad to see the precious fruit cut.

He took a hungry bite of one slice, but before he could even spit out the seeds, his door was knocked so hard that it shook.

"Who is it?" he asked, his mouth still full of watermelon. He swallowed it, seeds and all, and glared up at the door. There was no reply. He shook it off, taking it as a simple prank. He returned to his watermelon, before being interrupted yet again with a knock. 

"Who is it?" he repeated, louder this time. No reply. Usually he would have stayed in his seat, but he had a bad feeling for some reason. With a sigh and a hasty swallow, he strode over to the door and slid it open vigorously. He looked down both corridors, but there was nobody in sight.

He frowned, then something caught his eye. He looked down, and his eyes widened. It was you, his third seat, covered in gashes - some of which were gushing with blood, others barely noticeable. Your clothes were soaked with the red liquid. Toshiro stepped towards you, quickly sliding his left arm under your knees and his right arm under your neck. His heart racing, he flash stepped towards the 4th division. He slid into the barracks and ran over to the coordinated relief station, and was greeted by the leader of the 14th advanced relief team, Hanatarō Yamada. 

"H-Hitsugaya Taichou!" he exclaimed, grabbing you and laying you down onto a bed in a panic. He immediately began healing you, and Toshiro watched silently as several others rushed in and began to work on separate wounds. Captain Unohana walked in, and Toshiro turned over to her.

"Hello, Hitsugaya-kun," she greeted calmly, sending a shiver down his spine.

How can such friendly words be so... terrifying?

"I'm assuming from your expression that you have no idea what happened?" she inquired.

He ran his fingers through his hair, and nodded pathetically.

"No, I heard two knocks and she was outside of my door," he informed her, holding back the questions he really wanted to ask.

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