12- Training

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"No! No, no, no, HELL no. I am not fighting that guy. I'll die!"

"You won't die. You're just practicing. Calm down."

You glared at Toshiro with all your might, then sat on the floor defiantly.

"No, I'm not practicing! I'm sitting on the floor until you change your mind," you spat out, turning up your nose angrily.

Renji Abarai stood in front of both of you lamely, witnessing your petty argument.

"Get up and do as you're told, (L/N)! This is insubordination!"

"I don't even care if I get shipped off to another squad! I'm not fighting that spiky-haired creep!" you huffed, peeking up at the red-head sourly.

"What was that, squirt?!" he growled angrily, and your mouth popped open as if you hadn't expected him to speak. You took a few moments to recover from the shock.

"You heard me, weirdo!" you snapped back eventually, pursing your lips. The fire seemed to grow even brighter in his smouldering eyes.

"You don't even know me! It's Abarai Renji, not weirdo!"

"Yeah, well, you're stupid!"

"What the hell?! Shut up, pipsqueak! If I'm stupid, you aren't even anything! You're... dumb! I mean, you're brainless!"

You stood up abruptly, and grabbed his Shihakusho.

"If I'm brainless, then you don't even exist, so your argument is invalid!" you retorted, grinding your teeth.

"That makes no sense! And get off me, you fatass!"

"I'm not on you, stupid. I'm holding your dumb clothes! And don't call a lady a fatass, because if you do, you better expect something back!"

"What the hell?! You're wearing the same thing as me, girlie! And I don't care what you call me. Keep it coming, I don't mind. You're too dumb for it to have any effect on me!"

Toshiro glared at both of you, anger bubbling.

"Idiot, jackass, nincompoop, fathead, dummy, stupid, strawberry, tattoo-head, liney-eyebrows..."

You grinned at him.

"Liney-eyebrows!" you suddenly cried, bursting out laughing. "I like that one!"

Renji stared down at you as if you were a psychopath.

"Come back over here, pipsqueak! I'll-"


You both whipped your heads around to the white-haired Captain, then you glancde back to each other.

You found tears filling your eyes as you laughed hysterically.

"Liney eyebrows..."

He would have answered you, if it wasn't for the fact that he was laughing as well - as hard, if not harder, than you. You both flopped down onto your backs and continued your laughter as your Captain continued his shouts.

"Abarai! L/N! What in the icy heavens are you laughing about?!" he questioned the pair of you furiously. You completely ignored him as you looked over to Renji, gripping your stomach so as to prevent more giggles from escaping.

"Renji, your eyebrows are actually really cool." you admitted solemnly, and he stared up at you, the mood suddenly very serious.

"C-Cool?" he choked out, all traces of laughter gone. "Really? I-I... nobody's ever told me that before..." he murmured, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. His eyes sparkled in admiration as he looked you over. You almost laughed at how dramatic he was being.

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