13- Prank Gone Right (or wrong...)

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"Did you just... did you just call me shorty...?" Toshiro manages to choke out angrily.

"What? No, I just, uh... really like that word," you say with a smile on your face.  He looks suspicious and relieved at the same time.

Alright, I'm gonna say it, guys... hopefully I can get away in time. Wish me luck.

I do not think this is a good idea, but good luck, I suppose.

Hey, lighten up, Shimo! It's the best idea ever, Hime-sama! Gooood luuuuck~!

"Shorty, such an interesting word. Don't you think so? It describes you perfectly!"

Before Toshiro could shout at you, you turned on your heel and fled down the hallway, and soon you heard his footsteps following. Your bare socks squeaked on the clean wooden floor loudly as you ran, so instead you flash-stepped as fast as you could, and ended up outside. You searched nervously for a hiding place, and a group of bushes caught your eye. You dove into them just as Toshiro stepped outside. The bushes had given you several scratches, and you winced in pain but stayed silent and masked your reiatsu.

"(L/N)? Come out." he demanded, his voice wavering slightly as he searched for your now undetectable reiatsu. He wasn't aware that you had been taught by Renji to mask it- in fact, he didn't even realise that you knew how to use shunpo. You held back a snicker and stared at him through a tiny hole, watching as he stupidly circled around.

"(L/N)! Where are you...?" he breathed angrily. "Come out, right now! That's an order! Whoever's watching!"

Even though he would never admit it, he was worried sick about you. Thus, he came to a realisation- there was something seriously wrong with him.

You grinned like a madwoman. A boy with green eyes and brown hair stepped towards the division, catching Toshiro's eye.

"What did you do with my third seat?" he questioned darkly.


"I can't sense her reiatsu! Answer me!"

"Uh, I've come to deliver paperwork..."

Toshiro's gaze drifted to the stack of papers in the boy's hand, and, to your delight, he looked embarrassed. Tears rushed down your face in a bout of silent laughter.

"Oh. Just drop them off outside my door..." he muttered. You silently thanked Renji for teaching you how to mask your reiatsu.

A few seconds later, Toshiro was out of sight, and you climbed out of the bush and stared down at all the cuts you had earned. You decided they were all worth it, and burst out laughing as you walked at a normal pace back into your Captain's office. You opened the door, and you feel your jaw practically dropping to the floor.

Papers were stacked until they reached the ceiling. Some were falling down as the air conditioner blew, others looked like they were about to topple over. Chunky files were dabbled around the room haphazardly, and you almost tripped over pens and stepped into a spilled ink well. Books were all over the ground. You stood there in surprised silence, then realise that nobody is in the room.  You step over to Toshiro's desk, warily searching around, then sit on his chair. You breathe in deeply, the smell of your Captain filling your nose. You feel strangely embarrassed sitting in his seat.

"C-Comfy..." you mutter.

"(Y/N)-chan?" a tired voice asks.

"Wh- No! What?! I-It's not what it looks like!" you splutter, falling off the chair. You scramble over to the couch quickly, then you notice Rangiku's head pop up from behind it. Her hair was very messy, and she looked like she'd just crawled out of a furnace.

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