9- Shimo no Tora

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"What?" you asked, more confused than ever. Janni, the one who brought you here in the first place, looked over to the other two, waiting for an answer.

The one called Rosa looked like she was about to snap at you, but before she could, the black-haired girl answered you.

"Yeah!" she giggled simply, and you stared at her incredulously. She looked around eleven, but she was probably far older than you, since it was the soul society after all.

Even if she looks eleven, she's mentally on the level of a five year old, you thought. Rosa rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, just... just ignore Durra," she muttered, shaking her head angrily. You tried to hold back a snort at her name, which sounded like it could be Australian slang.

Okay, don't freak out... maybe they were joking? Yeah, they must be! Hmm... what time is it? I'm getting sort of hungr-

"We're going to beat the truth out of you," Rosa explained, and you raised an eyebrow, still confused. "The truth about your relationship with our Captain."

Your jaw dropped.

"So let me get this straight, you're going to beat me up out of jealousy? Just because I'm near Hitsugaya Taichou? Jeez!" you exclaimed, frowning.

"Next time, you should figure out if I'm actually in a relationship with him before cornering me in an alleyway and beating me up. Besides, what would happen if Hitsugaya Taichou found out? What then? Or are you planning to kill me? That's a pretty shitty plan if you ask me. You should have thought this through a little more," you scolded, shaking a finger patronizingly. 

Rosa looked embarrassed and hung her head in shame.

"You're right, I-"

She paused, questioning herself, before spitting out a 'No!'

You couldn't help but laugh a little, even though you were way more nervous than you let off. Rosa's face twisted into one of anger, and she pulled out a bottle and smashed it onto the stones. You felt yourself back away, right into Janni's arms.

"S-Sorry..." she whispered, and you turned to look at her. She had a very pained, confused expression on her face. "All of us really like Taichou, so Rosa... so Rosa..." she trailed off.

Uh, yeah... that's not an excuse, you're just a little bitchass and you're pinning it on your friend.

"We aren't jealous. Head Taichou was foolish, bringing in a random human with high reiatsu. They should have just killed you, so that's what we're doing. Moreso, putting Hitsugaya Taichou in danger?! You bitch!" she snapped, picking up a shard of glass from the bottle. A cut appeared on her thumb and blood began to drip out, but she didn't seem to care.

"I'm honestly not putting him in danger..." you explain reasonably, trying not to let your voice wobble.

It's just like that time with that ass spider... Or was it egg spider? Or espado? Espade?

Rosa stepped towards you and held the glass to your arm. You felt your arms shaking as she bought the glass closer to your skin, but to your surprise she swiped at you shallowly and quickly, rather than slowly and painfully. You felt your eyes water and did your best to stop yourself from crying after the little cuts. They weren't bleeding much, but it stung.

You didn't know what to do. Scream? Fight back? Give up?

"Stop!" you choked out, as she cut you again.

These girls are insane. Absolutely insane. The fuck?

You let out a gasp yet again as it tore through your clothing a lot deeper this time, and you could feel blood seeping out of your back. Tears fell faster than ever, and you could barely muster up the strength to shout for help.

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