2- Who do you think you are?!

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With a sigh, you walked down the long, empty corridor, searching for your class.

Just because I know the number doesn't mean I know where it is. I'll ask someone, you figured. You decided to go back outside, where the teachers had been. Geez, this place is just as hard to navigate as I remember... but then again, it's only been a few months, so it's naturally going to be the same old place.

You shook your head at yourself in disappointment and stepped outside, searching for a teacher. You didn't find one, but there was a girl with chin-lenth, choppy black hair leaning on a pole, holding a phone in her hand. Mustering up the courage despite her intimidating attitude, you awkwardly walked over.

"Sorry to, um, interrupt you..." you begin nervously. "Do you know where room 2-B is?"

With a scowl, she looks up from her phone.

"Yeah. If you go to the right of the building, you'll-"

She stopped mid sentence, as if she suddenly remembered you from somewhere.

"Y/N, is that you..?" she asked, blinking in surprise.

"Sorry, do I know you?" you asked, trying desperately not to sound rude. She looked confused, and stared at you in disbelief.

"Don't you remember me? It's Lily. Geez, it's only been a couple months," she exclaimed, rolling her eyes slightly.

No way. This isn't Lily. Everything about her is different. Her personality, her hair, her tone of voice...

"Lily? But your hair-!"

"I cut it. Is that so strange?" she interrupted.

"I mean, the colour..." you murmured sheepishly.

"Oh, yeah. I dyed it black, I felt like a change," she informed you, with the tiniest of smiles.

So confident. What happened to the cute, shy, cinnamon roll with mousy brown hair?

"I-I can see. Well, uhm... long time no see, right? Haha..." you laughed awkwardly, and died inside as you did so.

She still hadn't given you directions, either.

"Yeah, I guess," she replied absentmindedly.

"So, why are you outside? Were you late, too? Hajime broke my alarm. Brothers, am I right?"

She seemed to be surprised. She stuffed her phone in her pocket, with an awkward look on her face.

"No, I was just talking to someone." Her gaze drifted to the floor.

"Oh, okay. To who? Anything happen?"

You couldn't help but ask. You knew it was nosy, but it seemed a little weird to go outside just to talk to someone on the phone if it wasn't important.
She seemed reluctant to tell you. You could practically see the internal conflict happening in front of you.

"Actually, I'm talking to June. We've kinda been... yeah..."

She trailed off.

"I'm sorry." she murmured.

You stared at her for a while, disbelievingly.

June? I guess it could have been June's influence that changed Lily so much. Not that that's a bad thing, but...

"Don't be silly. You have nothing to be sorry for, Lily!" you exclaim eventually, giving her a little smile.

She nodded.

"Oh, and 2-B is on the third floor, just go through the entrance over there. You're bad as ever at navigating, aren't you?" she snorted, offering you a small smile. You grinned, nodding.
She pulled her phone back out. You waited for a few seconds, in case she said anything else, but she didn't. You couldn't help but feel disappointed, but you got the hint. She neither wanted or needed you around anymore. In those few months, she had changed - grown into her own person.

Still, it was cold, especially for Lily. Not even a goodbye. Way to make the situation awkward.

Sighing, you began to head around to the other side of the building, before suddenly hearing a blood-curdling scream. Whipping around, you spot Lily, face-down in the dirt.

"L-Lily? What's wrong?" you yelled, dropping your bag and shifting your feet towards her. What you saw made you have second thoughts about getting closer. A dark skinned man glared towards you, dressed in white robes and covered in piercings that looked like white spines across his skin.

"You. Are you the one Aizen was looking for?" He pointed towards you with a sword.

Oh. Um... hello to you too, trespassing cosplayer dude. Yes, I'm well thanks, how are you?

"I... Aizen? What the hell kinda name... How the hell would I know? What did you do to her?!" you demanded desperately. He just stared at you blankly. You stared back at him, seemingly unfazed, but you were actually frozen with fear. 

Who was this guy? Something about him chilled you to the bone. More importantly... what did he want at this school? With you?

"W-Who are you?" you eventually managed to ask, which you immediately regretted. Your voice shook with fear, giving away how afraid you truly were.

"Zommari Rureaux, Séptima Espada. You're coming with me, girl."

His facial expression remained unchanging. He began to walk towards you, agonizingly slowly. Every instinct in you told you to run, but you were frozen in place. You had never before felt the helplessness that came with your body not obeying your orders.

Why am I not running? 

No matter how strongly you wanted to get yourself out of there, your body would not move. You were filled with an unsettling feeling of terror and dread. Your lower lip shook with fright.

Why me...?

Just as he held his hand towards you, you felt someone grab at your waist and lift you, bringing you back into reality. 

"Ow...!" You opened your tear-filled eyes as you were hoisted over someone's shoulder. You looked up so as to view your captor... only to come to a sudden (and very terrifying) realisation.

"P-Put me down!" you screamed, panicking. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

You were in the air. Above Karakura town. Over some guy's shoulder.

"You're safe. He's gone," assured whoever was holding you. It was a man, with a deep but smooth voice.

You flailed slightly.

"He's not what I'm worried about! You're practically kidnapping me, and taking me into the air against my will... and... ah..." you trailed off, suddenly realising that he took you away from the... what was it he called himself? Egg spider? Española?

"Thanks," you reluctantly muttered. "Who are you, anyway? And am I meant to just... not question the fact that we're fucking floating!?"

"Hitsugaya Toshiro. Captain of squad 10. I've been given orders to take you to the soul society, and-"

"Soul society? You're going to kill me!? Okay no wait, hang on, the heck is a soul society!? What kind of cult are you in, dude? Do you need help booking in to a psychiatrist? How the frick frack are you flying!? What's squad 10? Who was that guy, and how did you...?!" you trailed off, realising you had cut him off in the middle of speaking. You shut your mouth sheepishly.

An annoyed growl escaped from his mouth. You almost let a bubble of laughter escape at the sound of it.

"Your questions will be answered, once we get to the soul society." he snapped. He pulled out a sword of some sort, and...

Did he just stab the air?!

An old-fashioned door appeared out of nowhere, leaving you in utter shock and confusion. Behind that door lay another door, making you raise an eyebrow. Without hesitation, Toshiro stepped through both.

"This is soul society." 


thanks for reading <3

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