8- Midomi-chan

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Without much thought, you ran towards the centre of Seireitei where the meeting was held, gaining you many strange looks. You looked down at yourself, confused, then remembered you were still wearing clothes from the human world. A school uniform, to be exact. 

Just as you arrived to the "head-captain-meeting-place" you suddenly realised you had absolutely no idea where to go. Sure, you made it to your destination... but where now? It wasn't as if you could just turn around and go back home. The middle of Seireitei was easy to find, but... you had no idea how to retrace your steps.

Though I hate doing it, I'm going to have to ask for directions...

You sighed, and searched anxiously for a friendly looking person. You noticed a friendly looking man wearing a pink kimono and a straw hat. Mustering up the courage, you stepped over and awkwardly hovered by him as he talked to an uptight looking lady. You fiddled with your skirt, and waited for him to finish his conversation. You traced the patterns on his kimono with your eyes, resisting the urge to interrupt.

"Taichou, isn't that the girl from the meeting?" someone asked, causing you to perk up. You raised your head as the man turned around. 

Great. A Captain. Just what I wanted. At least he's wearing pink? Makes him somewhat less intimidating.

"Oh, you're right, Nanao-chan. Helloooo~!" he greeted you, causing you to open your mouth in surprise.

"U-Uhm, hello..." you murmured shyly, slightly soothed by his casual tone of voice.

"Do you need any help navigating?" he asked, causing you to feel ashamed of your actions.

"Yes, Taichou!" you say, bowing respectfully.

"Not a problem! Please, call me Shunsui, or Kyouraku," he smiled, and you gaped at him.

"N-No! I couldn't! That would be disrespectful..." you disagreed, shaking your head with wonder. 

"No, no, it's fine! You can call me whatever you want," he insisted.

"Taichou, I don't think we have time for this. Seriously," snapped the one that he had called Nanao.

"Oh, right. Well, I'm sure we have time to direct this young lady to where she needs to go. Where are you looking for?" he asked with a smile. You contemplated this for a bit.

"Ahh... maybe... to someone friendly that can... help me get some food? Oh, and clothes!" you answered happily, earning you a chuckle.

"I see. I would take you, but..." he trailed off, glancing at Nanao and shooting you an apologetic look.

He pointed at a building in the near distance, and you stared at it.

"That building is where the fifth seat of the third division lives, Midomi Himari. She's quite nice as far as I'm aware, I'm sure she'll take you," he informed you with a smile. "Bye, now! Let's go, Nanao-chan."

Sighing in relief, you walk to the building, smiling at the sight of flowers on window sills. Soon, you find yourself at the building in question, and you knock on the door cautiously. Even though you had already knocked, you noticed a fancy knocker on the door and lifted your arm. Before you could knock on it, though, the door opened, and you whipped your arm back down as fast as lightning.

"Haah? Who are you?" asked a purple-haired girl. She looked as if she just ran a marathon - sweaty, out of breath, and angry. Wait... angry?

"U-Uhm, Y/N at your service!" you chirped, saluting her goofily. She stared at you blankly, and you both were silent for almost a minute.

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