11- The hospital

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"Ehe... no?" you stammered. Toshiro looked at you incredulously, and you squirmed under his gaze.

"Why did you say 'zanpakuto'?"

You bit your tongue.

"Don't worry, I'm just imagining voices... it must be from the injuries," you muttered, staring at the wall. He frowned.

What? Imagining?! We're real! We saved you, silly Hime-sama! Aaa, so cute! Like I said, super clueless, but also not clueless.

"Wha?!" you spluttered loudly, then hid your face by burying it into your pillow.

Toshiro just stared at you, then he noticed something.

"Unohana..." he murmured darkly.

"Yes... this is interesting indeed," she observed. You peeked up at both of them, and noticed them staring intently at you. You just gaped at them, confused.

"What happened? Am I going to die?" you asked, furrowing your brows. It was now Toshiro's turn to gape at you.

"What? No! Why would you die?" he scolded you, and you shrugged.

"You both looked so... serious. I don't know..." you huffed sheepishly. You held back a chuckle, in fear that it would slow your healing, and just stared blankly at him.

"Tell me what happened, properly." he demanded. You didn't want to tell him for some reason, but you decided you had to.

"Well, I... shall I start from the beginning?" you asked.

"I guess."

"Okay! Well, after I left your office, I went to the middle of Seireitei-"

"What?! You should have gone home!"

"I know! Now shut it while I talk," you muttered. He made a choking sound at your demand, but sighed and said nothing.

"So. I went to the middle, and talked to a really nice guy... humm... his name was Kyoraku, I think! Super nice!" you blabbered, and Toshiro studied you with a strange look on his face. You ignored it, and continued.

"I asked him where I could get some things, but he was busy, so he took me to someone called Midomi-chan! We went to the markets, and bought heaps of things. Oh! My baskets! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

"You could have asked me rather than wandering off by yourself! Do you know how dangerous it is?! What if you died?" he growled, clearly annoyed. "I was trusted to look after you!"

You glared at him.

"Shutup! All you're worried about is the old man getting upset with you, so stop acting like you really care and let me finish." you snap, and he goes silent.

"Anyway, someone took me into an alleyway. And these other two people came... and ummm... and somebody scared them off or something, and I remember being picked up... then I fell asleep!" you told both him and Unohana with a cheesy grin on your face.

Toshiro drifted his gaze away from you.

"Do you..." he began, not sure how to put it.

"Do you remember any... voices?" he asked you not-so-slyly. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, yes..." you admitted grumpily.

They exchanged glances once again, and you noticed a pair of black butterflies come in and land on both of the Captain's fingertips. After a few seconds, they flew away, and Unohana stopped healing you.

"I think I have been healing you for long enough. You are free to stand up, but please don't move too much or you may reopen your wounds," she warned you, and you stood up with a yawn. You looked down at yourself, then went bright red, noticing all the rips in your clothing. Your stomach and your back was almost completely exposed. You imperceptibly covered yourself, and stared at the two people before you, as if expecting something.

"Do you know the names of the people who attacked you?" asked Toshiro, staring at you intently.

"N-Nooo..." you fib, and his calm stare turns into a glare.

"Tell me."

"I don't remember."



"...Alright. We have more important things to worry about, I suppose." he admitted, then looked over to Unohana.

"We should probably go."

"Yes, you are right. Come this way, please, Y/N," she encouraged you, and you nodded, following them back to the first division.

"Sorry about your clothing, by the way. I would have changed you, but Captain Hitsugaya..."

You couldn't help but smile seeing your Captain's faintly red cheeks, and nodded happily.

"It's okay!" you chirped, then stepped into the first division HQ without hesitation. Ignoring the shouts behind you, you stepped forward and smiled up at the Head Captain.

"Suhh, Yama-jii? Nice beard!" you called happily. You weren't too sure why, but you really liked that old guy. You had a feeling that he had a goofy side under all the grumpiness.

He stared at you for a few seconds, not sure how to respond, then replied, "Greetings, Y/N." You frowned at him. It sounded weird when he said your name paired with such a formal word.

Greetings? Who even says that? Hmph!

The two Captains behind you seemed surprised at your casual lingo, but were probably even more surprised that the Head Captain replied so... well... not angrily.

"So, why am I here?" you inquired, biting the insides of your cheeks.

"It has come to my attention that you have... obtained something that we would not have thought possible," he answered. You glared at him for not giving you the full answer, but just before you could say something snappy, a creepy looking guy covered in makeup stepped in with a needle.

"Hold still." he said simply, and, with no warning, he jabbed the needle into your vein. He pulls away calmly, and you just stand there in shock.

"Wha...t?" you manage to choke out, more confused than ever.

He walked out without another word. Everything was silent for a few minutes.

"Captain Unohana, you may return to your duties," ordered Yamamoto. She left with a bow, and he turned his attention to you.

"I have some things I would like to discuss with you, Y/N."



I suck at writing lately but I wanted to write this anyway sooO yup

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