ch. 1 (a barrel saved my life)

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ch. 1 - a barrel saved my life


How long has it been since I last saw land? Or anything other than the vast ocean and clear sky that stretches as far as my eyes can see for that matter? I would be surprised if I still make it further in life given my current situation. Who would've thought that I survived that storm by jumping inside a barrel? It was a miracle that I even managed to get off the ship before things got any worse. I pity those who stubbornly wanted to go down with their ship as I heard their distant cries of panic and nervousness. They must be really dedicated yet stupid to think that they were going to survive that hell of a storm.

I let out a groan as I heard a low grumble from my stomach, demanding me to eat something—anything, really. I was getting more nauseous and dizzy as the days passed by, and the retching stench of sake that lined the walls of the barrel did not help. My clothes were also drenched in sake, which made things worse.

I rummaged through my leather sling bag to see if my stash of food will last me another day. I groaned in frustration. Would you look at that! There's none left! Just like the amount of care I have in what's going to happen to me now.

Kidding. I'm too young to die. Besides, if I were to die, I want it to be something grand. I want it as grand as the execution of the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger, though for different reasons. I want people to remember me for all the wonderful things that I did in my life and how I helped them in any way that I can. That is why I have to get out of this stupid barrel and be one with any form of civilization.

Of all the ships that were docked on the port, why did I board the wrong ship? I thought that the bigger the ship, the stronger it is against storms or battles. Well, maybe all of the ships were bound to come across some obstacles along their way. I'll just be grateful that I could have ended in worse terms than this.

I let out a defeated sigh as I snuggled deeper into the blanket that I packed with me. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep, hoping that someone or something will save me from my pathetic excuse of a life.


I woke up with a startled cry as I felt strong hands grab my arms and pull me out of the god-forsaken barrel. I rapidly blinked my eyes for my eyesight to focus quickly. It appears to be nighttime and that I'm on a ship. I observed my surroundings, my knees trembling and my chest pounding as I did so for I'm obviously on a pirate ship. There were tall, muscular men everywhere, each one looking more intimidating than the one before. They seem to be having some sort of party or celebration since there were bottles of sake everywhere and that almost everyone were either talking, singing and dancing like there was no tomorrow or they were passed-out drunk on the floor. I clutched my sling bag in nervousness and stood frozen in my place.

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