chap. 5 (edible muddy rice balls)

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chap. 5 - edible muddy rice balls


After we got in the boat and sailed away from Alvida's crew, Luffy and I shared to Coby as to how we got our extraordinary abilities. It's a good thing that we ran into him since neither Luffy nor I know how to navigate out here in the sea. Who knows? We might encounter another whirpool or something that'll put us on the verge of death again.

I was using my devil fruit ability to create wind that's strong enough to push the boat we're in as Luffy and Coby talked to each other. Luffy didn't want to row the boat and I couldn't bring it up to myself to ask Coby to do it since he deserves a break from the treatment that he received form that horrible woman for years. Besides, this can be a good way to train myself to become stronger and to practice using my powers.

"You guys ate the rubber and wind fruit? That's surprising," Coby said. "But Luffy-san, Keira-san, if you're looking for the 'One Piece', that means you have to get into the 'Grand Line,' right?" he questioned us, a hint of fear in his voice.

"Yep!" Luffy said to him with a grin.

"But that place is known as the pirates' graveyard!"

"Yeah, that's why I need a strong crew. One of them is being held captive at the place you're going."

"You mean...Roronoa Zoro?" Coby trembled just by mentioning the name.

"If he's a good guy, I'd ask him to join me!"

"What?! You're dreaming again! You can't! He's a monster!" Coby exclaimed.

"We can't be sure about that yet."

"It'll never work!"

I chuckled at Coby. "Telling him to do something is useless since he'll probably end up doing the opposite." Luffy stuck out his tongue at me as I just rolled my eyes at him and continued doing my 'training.'

"Monster, huh?" Luffy said as he focused his attention to Coby again.

"Yeah, Luffy-san. Roronoa Zoro is also known as the 'Pirate Hunter.' He's a scary person. Rumors say he's like a bloodthirsty hound. He wanders around the seas and hunts down fugitives. He's like a monster in the form of a man." Coby continued to tell us more about Roronoa Zoro as he discouraged Luffy in recruiting the said man. They then started to debate over the subject, their voices getting louder by the second.

"Enough! How about this: we talk to the guy and see if he's worthy enough to be part of the crew. In the event that Luffy deems him worthy, we don't have a choice but to recruit him since Luffy never takes 'no' for an answer." I suggested as they nodded in agreement.


"We're finally at the marines' base!" Luffy exclaimed. "You're great, Coby! We actually reached our destination!"

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