chap. 15 (hypnosis is a thing)

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chap. 15 - hypnosis is a thing


Clahador continued to taunt Usopp to trick him into going over the edge and use violence with him being blinded by anger. I couldn't do anything because this is between the two. Also, Nami has an iron grip on my arm so I literally can't do anything.

"I believe you only get close to Oujousama for the money," Clahador continued. "But who cares what your motive is! The fact that your father is more than enough reason for me to kick you out!" I seriously need to kick the hell out of that guy. What he's saying is a low blow.

Usopp grabbed the collar of Clahador and prepared to punch him when Oujousama interrupted. "Usoppsan! Please stop! Please don't use violence! Clahador isn't a bad person...he's just concerned about me; that's why he's a little extreme." There's something wrong here; I just know it.

"Savages like you are not welcome here! I'll let you off this time, but I warn you... don't come here again!" the butler shouted at us.

"I understand. I'll never come back here again!" Usopp gave him a deadly look then ran away.

"You bastard! Captain is not that kind of person!" the little kids protested.

"Baka!!" they shouted, along with Luffy. Why is he screaming along with them?

I sighed and walked towards the girl. I lowered my voice and whispered, "If you're really his friend, you wouldn't allow that butler of yours to treat him that way. His father-"

"You, girl! Get away from Ojousama!" the butler shouted at me as he angrily walked towards us.

I held up a hand, "Relax. I'm not gonna hurt her."

I then turned my attention back to her. "His father is an amazing person, contrary to what Clahador described him, so trust me when I tell you that you shouldn't listen to what Clahador is saying about Usopp or the way he is because-"

"That's enough! All of you, get out of here now!' Clahador roared at us.

I tsked under my breath before ushering everyone out. Luffy stared back at the butler, hatred in his eyes, before going on a full on sprint away from us. Where is he going? I ran after him and was soon running alongside with him.

"Where are you going?"

"To go have a chat with Usopp."

Realization dawned in me. I nodded at him as we continued running. We found Usopp staring at the sea as he was sitting near the edge of a cliff. Luffy decided to surprise him by hanging uside-down the branch of the tree beside Usopp while I just walked towards the two.

"Your Yasopp, right?" Luffy asked as he did some tumbling and whatnot to get himself down.

Usopp was obviously taken aback with this. "How do you know that?"

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