chap. 13 (cauliflower man)

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chap. 13 - cauliflower man


"Wahh! It's fixed! Thank you, Keira!" Luffy exclaimed with fervor.

"I just mended the cuts of your hat. It's not like the first time I had to do that," I chuckled. "Now, don't poke it too much or the stitches will reopen." I placed my emergency sewing kit back in my bag and gave the hat to him.

"Right! Thanks! You did an amazing job!" He then proceeded to poke the part where the cuts used to be.

My eyebrows twitched and I glared at him. "What did I just say, Luffy?! Stop poking it!" He continued to poke it so I whacked him on the head with my fan.

"That didn't even hurt a bit, loser."

"Hey, idiot, I'll toss you overboard if you continue to yap nonsense."

"I'll take you with me so I get to drown you, stupid!"

"That does it!" I tackled him onto the floor as we exchanged punches and kicks.

"You call that a punch, ninny?!"

"It's better than that pistol punch of yours!"

"Don't you dare compare your sorry excuse of a punch to my pistol punch!"

"My sorry excuse of a punch?! Why you-"

"You guys are too noisy! I can't sleep with all this noise!" Zoro complained as he groggily woke up, giving both of us glares.

"I'm hungry!" Luffy said out of nowhere, completely forgetting about our brawl a while ago.

"Yeah, me too," Zoro added.

"There's still some food and water in one of those chests," I said. "But we need to restock our supply. You two gobbled almost everything up." All I got were hums in response for the two were too busy eating. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! There's an island!" Luffy said. I followed his line of vision and saw what he was looking at. In the distance was a silhouette of an island.

"That island is no good!" Nami stated. "It's unpopulated, so it's useless! Let's just keep going!"

"We can look for food and water there so it's not entirely useless," I said to her.

Luffy then started rowing the boat while Nami screamed at us to wait. I transferred to her boat and did my 'training' so that she can catch up with Luffy, who was rowing our boat at an incredibly fast pace.

"Let's see if we can find someone who would join us there!" Luffy said as he continued to row the boat. I nodded at him as Nami started to row her boat while I did my 'training'.

We finally reached the shore of the island so I jumped off Nami's boat and stood beside Luffy.

"There's nothing here but forest!" Nami said. "Like I said, this is an unpopulated island! It would be weird if you found someone for the crew here."

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