chap. 14 (is that you, pinocchio?)

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chap. 14 - is that you, pinocchio?


"We need to plan things more!" Nami said to us.

"What do you mean?" Luffy asked.

"Are we going to the 'Grand Line' like this?" Since when was she an official crew member to be making any complaints on how we run things? Damn it, I need to stop making side comments. It's such an annoying habit.

"Oh! That's right! Although Uncle Cabbage gave us plenty of fruits, we don't have any meat on this ship!"

Zoro then shouted, "And some sake! It's so boring when there's no sake!"

I chuckled at the two as I closed my journal, finally done writing an entry and other things that we need to do. "She's not talking about our supplies. I think she means that we have to be more prepared if we want to continue venturing out in the seas. I don't think we'll last another day if we don't look for more people and a better ship."

"She's right!," Nami said as she smiled at me. Weird. Gah, I need to stop doing that! "The 'Grand Line' is the most dangerous place in the world! Every pirate in this world wishes to get there so we need to be prepared as much as possible. There's a village due north. We should go there first. We better find a ship that's safer than this!"

"And some meat!"


After a few minutes of thinking, I decided to get to know Nami a bit more. I figured that I needed to create a stable relationship with everyone here so that I'll know if they've got my back no matter what.

I sat beside her as she was staring out in the sea. "Hey, Nami. How about a beli for your thoughts?"

She blinked and let out a faint gasp of surprise before saying in a playful manner, "My thoughts are expensive. You're gonna need to offer more than that."

I laughed. "So, how long have been out here in the sea? A girl who is capable of predicting the weather or knows a lot of preparing for trips must've went through a lot of stuff."

I looked at her, who was staring back at the sea. Her eyes were pooled with distaste and her eyebrows scrunched in anger. Her lips curled to a frown and her aura shifted to a colder and darker one. "Hey, are you alright? I'm sorry if I brought back unwanted memories."

She shook her head, her demeanour changing back to normal. "It's alright. Well, when I was a little girl, I've...always wanted to travel the world and be able to map it. family is not that rich--to the point where we couldn't eat anything for days--so I...had help from other people. travel and I was able to map the places that I've went to. It must have been...probably...three years, I guess. "

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