chap. 12 (old nicknames)

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chap. 12 - old nicknames


"That last kick was for the village chief!" Luffy grinned as he wiped away the blood that was tricking down the side of his face.

"Thank you, both of you. You guys saved my life," Name said with a grateful smile.

"Don't worry about it," Luffy said as I nodded and gave her a sincere smile.

"Oh, yeah...the map!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Ahh! My treasure got scattered everywhere!" Nami also exclaimed.

"No problem, guys. I'll take care of it," I said in a reassuring manner. I placed my fan back in my bag and tightened my bandana. I let out a breath before gathering up all of Nami's treasure at top speed while being on the look out for the map. After a few minutes of going back and forth the pile of mess and the bag Nami's holding out, I've successfully gathered every bit of treasure. I gave the map to Luffy's awaiting hand and gave me a thankful grin. Nami just stared at me like a fish out of water the whole time. It was a funny sight.

"Alright! The 'Grand Line' map!" Luffy joyously said.

"Wait, Rubberman!" Buggy's voice suddenly rung out behind us.

"Eh? You're still alive?" Luffy questioned.

"Of course I'm still alive! You're the one who's going to get killed, once and for all!" He called out to his part to reassemble but all that came to him were his hands and feet. He kinda looks like a garden gnome or something. "Eh?!"

"You wouldn't happen to be looking for these, would you?" Nami asked Buggy, who was standing on top of his body parts that were tied up by a piece of rope.

"Gah! My body parts!"

Luffy laughed. "A thief definitely has some cool skills! Leave the rest to us! Keira, ready to propel."

He just complimented her. Alright, then, I'll show her what cool skills really look like. "How many times have I told you to just call it as a follow through?!"

He just grinned. "Get lost, Buggy!" He then stretched his hands backwards to gain momentum then punched Buggy into the horizon. I opened my fan and swung it a full 180 degrees with tremendous force to create a powerful gust of wind followed by a jumping spinning roundhouse that also created a powerful gust of wind, just for to be sure that he wouldn't bother us again.

"Wow! You're amazing, Keira!" Nami said to me with dazzling eyes. I slightly raised my brow but thanked her nonetheless. It's either I hate her or I like her, there is no in between.

"You over did it, Keira. Might as well send him to another universe," Luffy said with his tongue out.

An irk mark formed on my head. "I overdid it? You told me to ready to prop—I mean, to follow through. I did what you asked me to!"

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