chap. 26 (this is might)

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WOOOWWWW!!! Look at that fine piece of art right there! Thank you so much higoodbye1234 for sending me this huhu T

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WOOOWWWW!!! Look at that fine piece of art right there! Thank you so much higoodbye1234 for sending me this huhu T.T Keep up the good work!

This chapter is for you hehe <3


chap. 26 - this is might


The don gritted his teeth, and his nostrils flared into the size of bowling balls. "Gin! You're responsible for killing that cook and girlie! I'll kill this brat myself!"

I scoffed, but Sanji just brought out a cig and lit it.

Gin smirked. "Understood, Don." He then turned to Sanji. "Sorry, Sanji, but you can't win this time."

The blonde chuckled. "Took the words out of my mouth."

I backed away, and jumped up to the balcony. From up here, I can see the two ongoing duels.

The don and my captain are off in their own world, while the "demon," Gin's nickname, and the cook are also in the same state. The audience, the cooks and the pirates treading in the water, were gazing in awe at the latter's duel.

Apparently, Gin is a skilled warrior and collected "demon," which is why he is their battle commander. My eyes widened at his fighting technique, which is truly mesmerizing. His movements were rugged, yet graceful. His weapon of choice is unusual, but it seems like he is skilled in using it because he was able to land multiple hits on Sanji.

As I continued to watch, hope started dwindle in me. Sanji is losing. He was able to return attacks here in there, but even he is vulnerable to his own movements and attacks.

At this rate, he's going to break each and every bone in his body. I need to step in, or else Gin might be successful in killing the perverted blonde.

As I prepared to intervene, a sickening crunch was heard. I turned to see that Gin pinned Sanji, whose face was tattered with bruises and caked with blood, down by the neck, and was holding his weapon up, ready to deliver the final blow. I scrunched my brows and took a step forward; but Sanji sent a glare my way, and I halted my movements.

What the hell is he thinking?! Is he trying to get himself killed?!

Just then, tears started to stream down Gin's face.

"I just can't! Don Krieg! I simply can't kill this man!"

We were appalled at this, especially the don, who was everything but pleased.

"Say that to me one more time!" the don shouted at his battle commander.

Gin started to sob. "It's because...I've never been treated so kindly by another person in my entire life! That's why...I just can't kill this man!" Tears continued to run down his face, and he tried his best to keep the sobs in.

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