chap. 29 - Mer...cow?

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im having a hard time making keira's power consistent but not too op at the same time. there were some of you that pointed out "why can't stuff just pass through her" (yes i read your comments by the way :) thanks for the feedback!) or why she can't do this or that since her ability can allow her to do this or that.

also, one frequently asked question is "WHO SHOULD I SHIP WITH KEIRAAAA?!??!"

you guys say that it's starting to be a reverse harem (yes, you guys actually said that) or that there are too many potential ships. well, i'll actually [try to] answer this question in THIS VERY CHAPTER so try to look for it :)

i'll try my best to answer more questions and post it in a separate chapter or a/n. in light of this, you can ask me whatever you want (keep it pg13 tho) and i'll compile it before i post another chapter :)) you can pm me or just reply/comment wherever

i'll also answer some questions that were raised in the previous chapters :D
orayt! enough chatter! let's move on to stoooryyyyy

also, happy holidays and a happy new year!


chap. 29 - Mer...cow?

After much persuading, Sanji said that I could help him cook; but, he was too distracted to see a "fine lady" cooking by his side. I had to hit him on the head multiple times to make him focus on the food.

Seeing him in action in the kitchen is a spectacular sight, to my surprise. Even when I was a temporary waitress in Baratie, and that I've seen him cook countless times, it still captivates me every time. I'll admit that his skills in cooking are astonishing, which makes up for his skills in flirting.

And did I mention that he looks absolutely cute with those sleeves rolled up like that? Damn. Wait. Shut up. This is stupid.

I was so close to cutting off my left hand with a knife because I was staring too much. I snapped out of my gaze at the sound of my name being called. I blinked my eyes to see Sanji's face dangerously close to mine. He was holding my right hand, which was still clutching the knife.

"Oi, Keira! What are you doing, zoning off in the middle of cutting vegetables? You could've cut off your hand!" he scolded.

I slowly nodded in return. My face was hot, an obvious reddish tint on my cheeks. The knife would just pass through my hand, though. Well, at least I think it would.

Realizing how close we are, he took a few steps back, a blush also on his cheeks.
"J-Just focus on what you're doing," Sanji stuttered as he went back to frying some beans.

I rolled my eyes, masking my embarrassment. "Tch. I could say the same to you! You wouldn't stop staring at me the moment I got inside the kitchen!"

Sanji laughed merrily. "That's because you're a beautiful woman, Keira-chan! Who wouldn't be staring at you and your beauty?"

My eyebrows rose, my eyes crinkled in disbelief and embarrassment. He's way too blunt!
"W-Whatever! Get back to work!"

He chuckled. "But no matter how discreet you are, I know you were staring at me too."

I froze on my spot, my head going haywire. My stomach was in knots, and I couldn't stop the blood from rushing up to my cheeks

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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