chap. 22 (the don and his quest for the log)

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chap. 22 - the don and his quest for the log


Two days later, I have managed to receive around 200,000 beris worth of tips. I have been serving tables non-stop, and my legs are killing me.

I decided to ditch the suit and wear something more appropriate for women, but still makes me look like a guy. I'm now wearing a white long-sleeved top, which is folded up to my elbows, tight-fit pants, and knee-length leather boots. My hair's still in a bun but I wore a fedora hat to make me look a bit scruffier, I guess.

Both men and women turn their heads at me as I passed by. Jokes, whistles, and hollers came my way as I did my best not to do anything. Even Sanji, whom I thought I was at war with, wouldn't stop gushing about his "love" for me. Now that I look less of a guy, he's been following me everywhere.

I know it's wrong to take advantage of people using my appeal, but I have to do everything to get Luffy and I out of here as quick as possible. Also, it feels nice to be seen as attractive once and a while.

I thought that working here would be a breeze. I stand corrected. The whole place was a mess! The chefs were shouting at each other, creating a huge racket that could be heard in the dining area of the restaurant. The customers weren't exactly easy to deal with for they complain a lot, making my life more miserable that it already is. Sanji and Luffy were huge distractions, both for me and for the customers. The pirates that come and go always cause a scene that end up them being kicked out by Patty, and some cases, me. But, with a little bit of scolding here and there, the head chef and I managed to tone down these difficulties quite a bit.

I was browsing through the restaurant's wine collection when I heard a low rumbling sound. Soon, the tables, chairs and glasses started to shake. I struggled to prevent the bottles from falling off the shelf because they probably cost more than a person's life. It would be a shame if any of them broke.

People came rushing towards the windows to see what's up. They all paled and started trembling.

"It's Don Krieg's pirate ship!"

"Woah! Talk about a huge ship! Gin must've come here to repay his debt to you!" Luffy said.

"Somehow, I don't think that's the case," Sanji said.

"Or, maybe he just wants to eat because that's what this restaurant is for," I sarcastically said under my breath.

The said ship was slowly sailing towards the restaurant. Upon closer inspection, we noticed that it was in complete shambles. The sails were ripped and the masts were wrecked.

"To turn a gigantic galleon of that size into that sad state, that's no work of humans. They must've been caught up in some natural disaster," Sanji said as he took a drag of his cigarette.

The doors then opened to reveal two people. Gin and a gigantic man, whom I'm assuming is the infamous Don Krieg.

"Sorry for intruding, but could I have some food and water? If it's money you want, I've got plenty," the man croaked out.

"That's Don Krieg?"

"He looks so worn-out."

"Wonder what happened."

Gin failed to support the heavy body of his superior for the man fell onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Please save my captain! He'll die at this rate! Please!" Gin pleaded to everyone.

Boisterous laughter erupted from Patty. "Perfect! Just perfect! So this is what the infamous outlaw Don Krieg looks like!"

"We have money this time! We're paying customers!" Gin said to him.

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