chap. 23 (zoro's date)

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chap. 23 - zoro's date


As usual, people were shocked and started sputtering discouragements the moment a sixteen-year-old blurted out that he's on a dangerous journey with an impossible goal: being the Pirate King.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at the response. The don and my idiot of a captain started trash-talking each other. As usual, Luffy isn't fazed with the threats and whatnots of the person he's in a quarrel with.

Knowing that this will take a while, I took a seat beside Zoro and Usopp, whom I forgot were still there.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Usopp asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, and crossed my arms and legs. "We'll wait for the perfect moment to intervene. Right now, we can just sit back and relax."

A few more minutes passed by, before I puffed my cheeks and nudged my fellow crew members. "Alright. This is taking too long, and the don looks like he wants to strangle the life out of Luffy."

The two took that as their cue to intervene the brawl that's slowly intensifying by the second. The don chortled at the miniscule numberof members of Luffy's crew. After a few more trash-talking, the don picked up the huge bag of food and started walking out the door.

"Even as a bluff, your comments just now show how completely ignorant you are to reality! If there's one thing I hate, it's empty boasting like yours. Keep saying that, and I'll kill you right on the spot once I get back from unloading this food!"

He then turned to the chefs. "As for you, I'll give you a little extension. I'm going to give this food to my subordinates, and then return back here. I suggest leaving this place if you don't want to die. If any of you still feel like dying after I warned you, then so be it. I'll bur you to the bottom of the sea for eternity."

Once the don was out of sight, Gin started spluttering out his apologies.

"Sanji! Everyone! Please forgive me! I had no idea...that this would happen!I—"

"There's no need for you to apologize," the old man interrupted him. "The cooks of this restaurant acted out of their own free will, and this is the result of that."

My eyebrow slightly rose at this. Theold man's siding with the perverted blondie?

As the chefs protested and shouted out their complaints, the old man interrupted them.

"Have any of you ever been hungry enough to die? Do any of you know just how terrifying and painful it is to be stuck in in this ocean, deprived of food and water?"

With the way he spoke, it seems that he's speaking from past experience.

"If you've got time to cry over spilt milk, then just leave this place at once!"

This slapped the chefs back to their senses, as they let out a battle cry and prepared themselves for the upcoming battle against the don andhis underlings.

All attention went to Gin, who was utterly shocked at the sight. He shouted at them to run away.

Deciding to be a drama queen, Sanji stood up and lit a cigarette. He took along drag before exhaling the murky smoke, and said, "Hey, Gin. It is my duty as a cook to feed anyone who is starving. But those who are coming to attack this ship are those who have been fed, so you better not complain when I kill them. If anyone plans on stealing this ship, I'll kill them without hesitation, even if it's you."

This guy can be bipolar sometimes. One minute he's the happy-go-luckyguy, the next he's the serious and blood-thirsty kind.

Luffy suddenly plopped onto the table, alerting us. "Hey! What do youthink about him? Pretty good, right?"

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